#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = MOCA Jax: Techno Intimacy ## Skin ### Button Button_65AB29CA_7DBD_8F7E_41D7_2F61F0EAD101.label = Contact Us Button_65AB49CA_7DBD_8F7E_41CE_B2AB111248BC.label = Vist MOCA Button_65AB69CA_7DBD_8F7E_41B8_3AB4F5C43ED7.label = Our Website Button_65ABB9CA_7DBD_8F7E_41D3_49B9B870B7AE.label = About This Exhibition Button_65ABB9CA_7DBD_8F7E_41D3_49B9B870B7AE.pressedLabel = About This Exhibition Button_65ABD9CA_7DBD_8F7E_41DF_0ED5ABE6A930.label = Art Selection Button_65ABF9CA_7DBD_8F7E_41DD_F3D55D89EE41.label = Exhibitions Button_702811BA_67FC_3E51_41C6_A078829ED337.label = Close Panel Button_702811BA_67FC_3E51_41C6_A078829ED337_mobile.label = Close Panel Button_70A6C7C7_67FC_023E_41AE_50DAF62D8540.label = Open Website Button_70A6C7C7_67FC_023E_41AE_50DAF62D8540_mobile.label = Open Website Button_716CA4D9_67C4_07D2_41CE_1EBFC549F285.label = Open Video Button_716CA4D9_67C4_07D2_41CE_1EBFC549F285_mobile.label = Open Video Button_7202434B_67C4_0237_41D6_FDACAF6B3C3C.label = Contact Us Button_7202634B_67C4_0237_41BA_45D8A5F39E3B.label = Visit MOCA Button_7202834A_67C4_0231_41CE_6A092934B182.label = Our Website Button_7202A34A_67C4_0231_41C8_B707BDBDC38A.label = About This Exhibition Button_7202A34A_67C4_0231_41C8_B707BDBDC38A.pressedLabel = About This Exhibit Button_7202C34A_67C4_0231_41D8_B857C78F7A8E.label = Art Selection Button_7202E34A_67C4_0231_41CE_344767A7FE48.label = Exhibitions Button_7F6787E9_67FC_01F3_41D0_2EEEDE2DE9B6.label = Close Panel Button_7F6787E9_67FC_01F3_41D0_2EEEDE2DE9B6_mobile.label = Close Panel Button_7F7D022A_67FC_0271_41C1_ACCDA1C723A9.label = Close Panel Button_7F7D022A_67FC_0271_41C1_ACCDA1C723A9_mobile.label = Close Panel Button_7FBA85B5_67C4_0653_41D0_85D38FE183FE.label = Close Panel Button_7FBA85B5_67C4_0653_41D0_85D38FE183FE_mobile.label = Close Panel Button_7FBAB5B5_67C4_0653_41BB_1D2AA01A5FD9.label = More Info Button_7FBAB5B5_67C4_0653_41BB_1D2AA01A5FD9_mobile.label = More Info ### Multiline Text HTMLText_65A889CA_7DBD_8F7E_41DB_E31CB8967B26.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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(American, born 1983)
Glades in Dark Forests, 2021
Multimedia and digital installation
Courtesy of the artists

A statement from the artists: In reflecting on the limited power of digital systems to create intimacy, we consider the gift economy. For us, early file-sharing platforms were a formative experience of seeing a wider world, discovering others who felt and thought like us, and glimpsing a reality beyond false scarcity and toward cooperation. The media we exchanged grew within us in unforeseen ways, and gave us the digital tools to reinscribe ourselves upon our world. Embedded in file-sharing is the specter of theft. We acknowledge this in a Promethean way--piracy itself is an act of creation that transcends simplistic notions of “theft.” Sharing creates vulnerabilities as only togetherness can--making a lover a mixtape, sneaking into a second movie without paying, bum-rushing the backdoor of a club to watch your favorite band with friends and comrades in tow, thus, that which is “stolen” may not be what it appears.

For this, our first project as a nascent collective, we pooled some of the media that made us--that which we wish (or can at least bear) to be known by. In this way we see not only what, but how, one another saw. Our temporary archive is presented for audiences to browse, download what intrigues them, and upload what they would like others to experience. In arranging this system we aim to recoup something of the experience of browsing from times when the spatiality of the web felt freer, where relationships to media were more concrete. In a way, this may seem nostalgic, but we believe the path forward is built from the pirated stones of crumbling empire, that our dark forest is grown from the seeds of the past. We oer this work to highlight the need for a new commons in which to replenish and grow ourselves alongside, and through, one another.

HTMLText_70DF97C5_67FC_0232_41C6_9774F8BB5105_mobile.html =
(American, born 1983)
Glades in Dark Forests, 2021
Multimedia and digital installation
Courtesy of the artists

A statement from the artists: In reflecting on the limited power of digital systems to create intimacy, we consider the gift economy. For us, early file-sharing platforms were a formative experience of seeing a wider world, discovering others who felt and thought like us, and glimpsing a reality beyond false scarcity and toward cooperation. The media we exchanged grew within us in unforeseen ways, and gave us the digital tools to reinscribe ourselves upon our world. Embedded in file-sharing is the specter of theft. We acknowledge this in a Promethean way--piracy itself is an act of creation that transcends simplistic notions of “theft.” Sharing creates vulnerabilities as only togetherness can--making a lover a mixtape, sneaking into a second movie without paying, bum-rushing the backdoor of a club to watch your favorite band with friends and comrades in tow, thus, that which is “stolen” may not be what it appears.

For this, our first project as a nascent collective, we pooled some of the media that made us--that which we wish (or can at least bear) to be known by. In this way we see not only what, but how, one another saw. Our temporary archive is presented for audiences to browse, download what intrigues them, and upload what they would like others to experience. In arranging this system we aim to recoup something of the experience of browsing from times when the spatiality of the web felt freer, where relationships to media were more concrete. In a way, this may seem nostalgic, but we believe the path forward is built from the pirated stones of crumbling empire, that our dark forest is grown from the seeds of the past. We oer this work to highlight the need for a new commons in which to replenish and grow ourselves alongside, and through, one another.

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Perpetual Flowering is a multi-disciplinary offering/sanctuary/portal, mixing video art, digital imagery, and interactive elements to create an environment that encourages intimacy, contemplation, and altered states of awareness. It foregrounds the importance of self–care and reflects an intersection of various sectors the artist engages with including art practice, community organizing, therapy, ceremony, healing practices, and spirituality, rooted in the sacred knowledge of their indigenous heritage. Their installation encourages the dissolution of boundaries between these areas, weaving together personal and collective narratives. A descendant of the Wixarika, Frías organizes the installation utilizing colors associated with the sacred directions, and also re-interprets ancient ceremonial songs into contemporary music videos. Highly stylized digital imagery, incorporating sacred and natural elements, is presented in diverse forms evoking a home environment, such as printed shower curtains and pillows.

HTMLText_716CE4D9_67C4_07D2_41D6_5C885E848B09_mobile.html =
Perpetual Flowering is a multi-disciplinary offering/sanctuary/portal, mixing video art, digital imagery, and interactive elements to create an environment that encourages intimacy, contemplation, and altered states of awareness. It foregrounds the importance of self–care and reflects an intersection of various sectors the artist engages with including art practice, community organizing, therapy, ceremony, healing practices, and spirituality, rooted in the sacred knowledge of their indigenous heritage. Their installation encourages the dissolution of boundaries between these areas, weaving together personal and collective narratives. A descendant of the Wixarika, Frías organizes the installation utilizing colors associated with the sacred directions, and also re-interprets ancient ceremonial songs into contemporary music videos. Highly stylized digital imagery, incorporating sacred and natural elements, is presented in diverse forms evoking a home environment, such as printed shower curtains and pillows.

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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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The Institute for Mediated Intimacy explores intimacy, isolation, and connection through digital roleplay sessions that attempt to bridge the distance between strangers. Audience members engage with each other through remotely controlled human avatars whom they instruct to speak and act on their behalf. As dierent participants direct the avatars, the performance oscillates between sentimentality, vulnerability, and absurdity.

From dragging each other’s rope-bound bodies through public hallways to slowdancing in a retail store until escorted out by security, Lena Chen and Michael Neumann perform aection, care, and conflict to critique the performativity of romance while positioning the act of love itself as resistance. Lured into voyeuristic complicity, the audience confronts their mirrored selves, whose vulnerabilities and failures reflect the precarious social reality in which our partnerships are embedded.

HTMLText_7F9F67E5_67FC_01F3_41D1_3105B54F7E07_mobile.html =
The Institute for Mediated Intimacy explores intimacy, isolation, and connection through digital roleplay sessions that attempt to bridge the distance between strangers. Audience members engage with each other through remotely controlled human avatars whom they instruct to speak and act on their behalf. As dierent participants direct the avatars, the performance oscillates between sentimentality, vulnerability, and absurdity.

From dragging each other’s rope-bound bodies through public hallways to slowdancing in a retail store until escorted out by security, Lena Chen and Michael Neumann perform aection, care, and conflict to critique the performativity of romance while positioning the act of love itself as resistance. Lured into voyeuristic complicity, the audience confronts their mirrored selves, whose vulnerabilities and failures reflect the precarious social reality in which our partnerships are embedded.

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August 13th, 2021- February 13th, 2022

Existing within digital, technological, and analogue life is increasingly porous, producing physical and affectual ramifications between our digital and Away From the Keyboard (AFK) realities. This permeable threshold expands communication and community building, changing our understandings of self, information, vulnerability, accountability, and the body. Techno-Intimacy showcases work by Lena Chen, Myra Lilith Day, deSolidState, Edgar Fabian Frias, Michael Neumann, and Tabitha Nikolai, highlighting ways in which artists respond to, and work within, digital platforms, enhancing personal and collective life through immediate forms of connection. Artworks shown carve innovative pathways for knowledge-production, cognition, spirit, advocacy, and history. By dissolving barriers between the physical and digital realms, these artists materialize instances of virtual-corporeality. Techno-Intimacy invites the viewer to reimagine perceived digital and analogue boundaries: evolving an understanding of the body, communities, and shared experience – appreciating how “limitlessness is possible.”

The UNF Gallery at MOCA Jacksonville is programmed in collaboration with the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at the University of North Florida (UNF). The exhibition was curated by Jessica Borusky, UNF Gallery Director and Instructor at UNF.

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August 13th, 2021- February 13th, 2022

Existing within digital, technological, and analogue life is increasingly porous, producing physical and affectual ramifications between our digital and Away From the Keyboard (AFK) realities. This permeable threshold expands communication and community building, changing our understandings of self, information, vulnerability, accountability, and the body. Techno-Intimacy showcases work by Lena Chen, Myra Lilith Day, deSolidState, Edgar Fabian Frias, Michael Neumann, and Tabitha Nikolai, highlighting ways in which artists respond to, and work within, digital platforms, enhancing personal and collective life through immediate forms of connection. Artworks shown carve innovative pathways for knowledge-production, cognition, spirit, advocacy, and history. By dissolving barriers between the physical and digital realms, these artists materialize instances of virtual-corporeality. Techno-Intimacy invites the viewer to reimagine perceived digital and analogue boundaries: evolving an understanding of the body, communities, and shared experience – appreciating how “limitlessness is possible.”

The UNF Gallery at MOCA Jacksonville is programmed in collaboration with the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at the University of North Florida (UNF). The exhibition was curated by Jessica Borusky, UNF Gallery Director and Instructor at UNF.

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