Park Road West nearly complete, the last of the concrete to be poured Wednesday

Park Road West nearly complete, the last of the concrete to be poured Wednesday

Park Road West nearly complete, the last of the concrete to be poured Wednesday

Posted by on 1970-01-01

Park Road West should be fully reopened to traffic by the end of October. That is according to Aaron Rach, the Head Engineer for the City of Steinbach. “We are getting close to the end of the project. We're anticipating today will be the last day of concrete pours for the roadway and then the work that would be remaining would be the final granular preparation, some asphalt paving, some joint sealing for the concrete roadway and then the landscaping at the end.” Though both Park Road West and Industrial Road are concrete, Rach says asphalt will be used at the west end of the project. “There's a transition from the concrete roadway to the existing gravel, and that transition is done with an asphalt pavement since it's temporary.” googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()<900) { s = googletag.defineSlot('/50748803/stol-all-bigbox', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-1648064325258-bbm1'); s.setTargeting('URL', [window.location.pathname]); s.setTargeting('position', [1648064325258]) s.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().refresh([s], {changeCorrelator: false}); } }); Rach says the asphalt work is currently scheduled to take place on the week of October 23rd. He notes “We anticipate the road would be fully reopened to traffic at the end of the month,