Release Notes for ASNA AVR Classic Deployment 5.1 Version: Release date: 2024-03-05
This is the deployment package for the AVR Classic Deployment 5.1. This package should be installed on any client PC (usually an end-user PC) on which you want to run ASNA Visual RPG Classic 5.1 binaries.
Important. Please Read: It is critical that you install all Microsoft updates before installing AVR 5.2 Classic.
Platform support and product requirements are detailed on our Product Requirements page
You'll need a license for this package. Please contact us at for your license.
Our testing so far has been encouraging with most third-party controls on Windows 10. However, third-party controls do remain a potential concern with AVR 5.1. Their behavior is beyond our control so if they have issues there isn't anything we can do about those controls.
Customers using third-party controls will need to test their apps vigilantly. One of the sticky issues here is that the ActiveX vendor may be out of business. Mabry and Graphics Server are simply gone. Sheridan was bought by Component Source and they still sell the popular Sheridan ActiveThreed controls, but with a caveat on their Web page that says:
It has worked in our tests so far, but the AVR Classic graph control was licensed from Graphics Server and which is now out of business. It's quite likely that the graph control will continue to work with Windows 10 and the latest Windows Servers, but if it doesn't, you'll need to find a workable alternative.
Clients - DataGate
Clients - DataGate Controls
Clients - DataGate Monitor
Clients - Miscellaneous Controls
Clients - Visual RPG Classic Runtime
DataGate Server