Release Notes for ASNA DataGate Component Suite Version: Release date: 2021-10-20

What's New

DCS 15.0 supports the latest Windows operating systems (Windows 8.x Pro, Windows Server 2016, and Windows 10). It requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2017® Version 15.3 or later.

Secure Socket Layer Integration: DataGate now features SSL protection, making solid security options much easier to come by. If both DataGate Client and DataGate Server 15.0 are installed, SSL will be used by default. (See DataGate SLL Integration.)

CAUTION: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DCS, you may be effected by the changes to the ASNA Runtime (see ASNA Runtime Changes below).

Users who have updated to Visual Studio 15.6.0 or higher, please note:

Installation Notes

DCS 15.0 is able to coexist with DCS 14.0, but not with earlier versions. Installing DCS 15.0 may upgrade the 14.0 runtimes if these are old; if this is the case, deployment machines using 14.0 will also need to be updated to use the new versions. Support for parallel development in DCS 15.0 and 14.0 is limited to Windows 8 and newer environments.

Installing Microsoft's latest service packs, high priority and optional software updates for Windows and the. NET framework is highly recommended, while Visual Studio 2017 is required.

Caution: Ensure neither Visual Studio, its installation, nor any Visual Studio update is running at the time of DCS installation, as it may cause conflicts.

Local Help Support

Visual Studio 2017 treats local (offline) as an optional component. As such installing it requires some additional steps:

When installing Visual Studio 2017:

  1. Under the Individual Components tab.
  2. On the Code Tools section.
  3. Enable the Help Viewer component.

To verify the Help Viewer is installed, look at the top of the Help Menu in Visual Studio. The following three options should be visible at the top of the menu:

  1. View Help
  2. Add and Remove Help Content
  3. Set Help Preferences

Note: ASNA Runtime Changes

There are significant changes to the ASNA Runtime detailed here.

Software Requirements

Before installing DCS, please ensure the Windows machine is equipped with the following:

Note If this software is downloaded via Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or 10 you may receive a message stating that this file "is not commonly downloaded" when attempting to install it. In this event click the View Downloads button, select the ASNA product to install from that list, and confirm that you'd like to install it.

Similarly, attempting to install the software directly through Microsoft Windows 8 may cause a "Windows protected your PC" message to appear. In this event click the small More Info prompt on the left, and click Run Anyway on the following window.

Changes Since Version:

Clients - DataGate

Clients - DataGate Controls

Clients - DataGate Explorer

Clients - DataGate Monitor

DataGate Server

DataGate Studio