February 6, 2025

Getting visitors to your website 2

Getting Visitors To Your Website

Today I want to focus on getting visitors to your website; if you plan to be successful, you need to attract targeted visitors to your site. You may have a nice looking site with some great income opportunities on there, but if you cant get people to your site; youre wasting your time. I wasted some money on trying to figure this one out. There are tons of different ways to do it, but there are only a few that work. The one I fell for was one of those companies telling me they could get me 10,000 visitors to my site instantly. Well, they dont lie, but they arent targeted visitors. I offer income opportunities for people who are looking to work from home; if Im getting people visiting my site looking to buy new cars, I wont be successful. Here are the best ways to get targeted visitors to your site.

First you want to create a blog; a blog is great because you can just write your thoughts down and get people to come and read your ideas, thoughts or questions. Blogs attract visitors who are looking for what you have to say or offer. Plus writing a blog keeps your thoughts in order. This business is always changing; the more you jot things down, the better organized you will be. Once you start a blog; make sure you use a site that can ping your blog. Ping sites are great because they send your blog entry out to people all over the web.

The second way is by writing articles; writing articles is a very effective way to get people to your site; you also boost your ranking on major search engines like Google when you submit articles. When writing articles you have to contribute something; make the readers feel like they are learning something when they read what you have to say; even if they learn one thing youre helping them out. Another thing to remember when writing articles is the amount of articles you right. The more articles you write the more people will come back and see what you have to say. The more they come back the more they trust you; once they trust you, they may be willing to purchase something off of your site. Im in the process of distributing 30 different articles to 75 different article submission sites. Guess what? If you dont feel like putting in the time and effort to do this, you probably wont be successful. If you feel like you need some help distributing your articles; there are programs out there that will distribute them for you.

The third way of getting targeted visitors is advertising your site on other peoples sites who are offering the same opportunity you are; the opportunity doesnt have to be exactly the same, but relates to what you are selling in some way. Try to advertise on high traffic sites; it costs money to advertise on other peoples sites; you dont want to spend money on advertising on someones site, if they dont get a lot of visitors.

The fourth and hardest way to advertise and get targeted visitors is by placing ads on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are tons of people who use this method, its very competitive. Before you try this; be sure to research thoroughly how each search engine works. You have to spend a good amount of money to be successful on major search engines. If you dont know what youre doing, you could loose $500 in one day. I cant stress the importance of researching this method before you get started. I hate seeing people with a great website get their rear ends kicked because they thought just throwing down a bunch of money could get them visitors. Believe me, there are some serious professionals out there; when you start using search engines to promote your site, youll be competing against them. If youre not careful; they will chew you up and spit you out.

I hope I was able to help you out; its tough out there. We need to learn from one another in order to better ourselves. Another thing to remember is; keep your mind open and dont be afraid to try new ideas. Working from home was a new idea one time; look where its evolved to.

lex Carter is a digital marketing strategist with over 10 years of experience in SEO, social media marketing, and content creation. Passionate about helping small businesses thrive in the digital landscape, Alex shares actionable tips and industry trends to keep readers ahead of the curve.