What can you put in water so it doesn't freeze?

poly rainwater tanks adelaide

Aprtanks rainwater storage tanks can last up 50 years if properly maintained. All rainwater tanks, poly tanks or stainless-steel ones, have a 10-year guaranteed.

Aprtanks provides a complete warranty covering all water tanks. Your security is guaranteed

Our rainwater tanks have been improved over time and our tank products are still top-quality. All above-ground water tanks are covered by a 10-year warranty and all aprtanks Industrial products are covered by a 5-year guarantee. We want our customers to have peace of mind.

poly rainwater tanks adelaide

Frequently Asked Questions

Rainwater can be contaminated by harmful bacteria, parasites, and environmental pollutants. Drinking it can cause illness. Rainwater can be made safer by boiling, filtering and chemically treating it.

When you need to use rainwater tank water in your garden and home, a rainwater pump is required. The water pump pumps water from your rainwater tank, providing pressurised water flow to your garden and house taps.

Rainwater can be contaminated in about one week.