We also offer radiopharmaceutical drug, which are medications with radioactive substances that target specific cancer cells. As a consequence, many diseases are rapidly spreading in our culture. The lack of effective treatment options makes metastatic, well-differentiated neuroendocrine Neoplasms a difficult tumor. If you ever see an ingredient labeled as a "proprietary blend," this is a sneaky way that supplement companies have of hiding ingredients. For some people, when treatments have been tried and are no longer controlling the cancer, it could be time to weigh the benefits and risks of continuing to try new treatments. A high PSA could lead your doctor to order a magnetic imaging scan or biopsy. The worst part about it is that most causes cannot be controlled, such as race, religion, geography, family history and genes. Radioactive material can pose a risk to your health. Prostadine users claim it has many other benefits, including improved quality of sleep, stronger bones, and healthier joints. Mycosyn is one among a few antifungal offers on the platform.