Employee handbooks

Should confidentiality policies be included in an employee handbook?

Employee handbooks

PeopleHR's Well-Designed Onboarding Handbook: PeopleHR sets a high standard for onboarding with its well-designed 17-page PDF handbook. This document serves as a guide for new hires during their initial weeks at the company. It not only provides essential information but also sets the tone for a smooth onboarding process.

From essential components like the company's mission statement, history, and values to practical matters like vacation policies, sick leave, and employee benefits, a comprehensive HR handbook should cover it all. It's the go-to resource for all things related to company guidelines and expectations.

HubSpot's Engaging Manifesto: HubSpot's employee manual is not your typical handbook; it's part manifesto, part guide. What sets it apart is its ability to turn potentially dull subjects into an engaging experience. They've adopted a similar approach to Netflix, favoring numerous simple slides over cramming too much onto one page. This approach makes it easy for employees to absorb the core values of the company. Moreover, HubSpot sprinkles in a touch of humor now and then to keep the mood light, making it a delightful read.

Zappos' Culture-First Approach: Zappos, renowned for its commitment to workplace culture, has an extensive 296-page handbook that exemplifies its dedication. They even offer employees $3000 to leave after their first week to ensure alignment with the company's culture. This handbook is a testament to the importance of culture in the Zappos organization.

Creating an engaging employee handbook is an art that combines information, visual appeal, and accessibility. To craft a handbook that truly engages your employees, consider the following tips: Incorporate images, illustrations, and visuals to break up text-heavy sections and make the handbook visually appealing. Use clear, plain language that avoids technical jargon, ensuring that all employees can easily understand the content. Provide real-life examples to illustrate key points, making the information relatable and actionable. By following these guidelines, you can transform your handbook into an informative, visually pleasing, and user-friendly resource that resonates with your workforce.

But the handbook's magic doesn't end with newbies. Existing employees can also draw from it whenever they need, at their own pace. It's like having a reference book that's always within arm's reach, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Sterling's Colorful Handbook: Sterling, armed with a wealth of information, decided to create an employee handbook that stands out through its vibrant visuals and logical organization. Using AirMason, they turned their policy manual into a colorful journey. Starting with a heartfelt message from the CEO, it gradually delves into the nitty-gritty. While it may not be the most unique manual out there, Sterling excels in its logical layout, making it a breeze for employees to find the information they need. It's a prime example of how design can make a difference.

In today's evolving work landscape, remote work has become increasingly prevalent. Adapting your employee handbook to accommodate remote work policies and practices is crucial to maintaining a productive and collaborative work environment. Your remote work policy should encompass guidelines for effective communication, seamless collaboration, and robust security measures. By embracing remote work's advantages, such as flexibility and improved work-life balance, your company can attract top talent from around the world while fostering a culture of adaptability and inclusivity.

Crafting Engaging Employee Handbooks: A Guide to Inform and Inspire

In the fast-paced business world, an effective employee handbook is a must-have. Learn how to create one that informs and engages your workforce, with inspiring examples from top companies like Netflix, Valve, and HubSpot.In today's fast-paced business world, where information flows faster than you can say "business as usual," the importance of having an effective employee handbook cannot be overstated. It's like having a trusty map to navigate the ever-changing terrain of your organization. But, my friend, not all employee handbooks are created equal. To stand out from the crowd and truly capture the essence of your company, you need to find the right employee handbook template.

Posted by Best Employee Handbook Examples on 2023-10-08

How can I address harassment policies in an employee handbook?

Create an engaging and motivating employee handbook: Your handbook should be more than just a bunch of rules. It should align employees with your company's mission, making them feel like they're part of something bigger.

Customization is the linchpin of an effective handbook. It's vital to mold the content to align with your business's unique requirements, creating a document that not only informs but also fosters a positive workplace culture.

EF Education First's Playful Handbook: EF Education First takes a playful and adorable approach to its employee handbook. Using charming children's book illustrations, they've created a short and sweet 7-page handbook that's inviting and easy to read. It's a delightful departure from the usual corporate tone.

Regular review and updates to the handbook are essential to keeping it current with evolving laws, regulations, and company policies. This ensures that the handbook remains a vital resource in your organization's operations and communication strategy.

Employee handbooks

What considerations should be made for remote work policies in employee handbooks?

So, what should an ideal employee handbook sample encompass? First and foremost, it should be a direct communicator of your core values, house rules, procedures, and company culture. It should serve as an invaluable onboarding tool for new hires, helping them acclimate to your organization swiftly. Simultaneously, it should act as a handy reference for existing employees who may need a quick reminder of company policies.

Discover inspiring examples: Take a cue from the pros. We'll explore the top 10 employee handbook examples tailored for different types of businesses. These companies have cracked the code, and you can learn from their wisdom.

Why the shift from grayscale walls of text? Well, it's quite simple—readers don't want to be bored to tears, and these employee handbook samples have mastered the art of holding their audience's attention. They employ various techniques, such as spreading information across multiple pages or slides, keeping concepts straightforward without unnecessary fluff, ditching corporate jargon for plain language, injecting humor and playfulness, using captivating imagery, and employing color palettes that pop. The result? Engaging, informative, and memorable handbooks.

Policies and Procedures: At the heart of any employee handbook are the policies and procedures that govern the workplace. These guidelines, clearly outlined within the handbook, ensure that expectations are understood and followed. They cover areas such as attendance, dress code, vacation and sick leave, safety, and the prevention of harassment. This comprehensive coverage helps establish a safe and productive work environment.

What considerations should be made for remote work policies in employee handbooks?

Are non-discrimination policies mandatory in employee handbooks?

Zaarly's Mission-Driven Handbook: Zaarly, a home service provider aggregator platform in multiple US cities, focuses on aligning its employees with a clear mission. Their handbook emphasizes the importance of helping people who take pride in their homes hire individuals who take pride in their work. It's all about creating a sense of purpose and connection with their mission.

Utilize templates, tools & policies: Don't start from scratch. We'll show you how to use templates, tools, and existing policies to craft a unique employee handbook that reflects your culture and values. Why reinvent the wheel when you can add your personal touch to a solid foundation

To embark on this journey of creating a one-of-a-kind employee handbook, it's wise to draw inspiration from a variety of employee handbook examples. These examples can help ensure that you don't overlook any critical elements and provide fresh ideas for presenting your company's culture and policies. Additionally, modern online tools like AirMason can simplify the process, allowing you to generate visually appealing and engaging employee handbooks that resonate with your workforce.

Crafting a unique and tailored employee handbook is a pivotal step in defining your company's identity, mission, and core values. It serves as a comprehensive guide for employees, not only outlining their roles and responsibilities but also providing insights into the company's ethos. Crafting this document should be a thoughtful process, guided by a deep understanding of your organization's specific needs.

How should safety policies be addressed in an employee handbook?

In conclusion, an engaging and effective employee handbook is an indispensable resource for any organization. By infusing your company's culture, values, and policies, you can create a handbook that not only informs and motivates your employees but also cultivates a positive and productive work environment. Use the insights, tips, and examples provided in this blog post as a roadmap to craft the perfect employee handbook for your organization, and witness your employees thrive and contribute to your company's enduring success.

The evolution of employee handbooks, as demonstrated by the examples we've explored, is a testament to the power of simplicity and engagement. Gone are the days of thick, monotonous binders filled with corporate jargon that send employees into a state of instant boredom. Today, it's all about effectively conveying the message and fostering a strong employment relationship from day one.

In a world where information overload is the norm, these companies have mastered the art of presenting essential information in a way that captures the attention and interest of their employees. These creative employee handbook designs serve as a testament to the evolving role of handbooks, proving that they can be more than just rulebooks – they can be powerful tools for communication, engagement, and culture-building within an organization.

Now, let's delve into the key components that make an employee handbook truly effective.

What should be included in employee benefits sections of handbooks?

Creating an effective employee handbook can be a time-consuming endeavor, but there are various templates and tools available to streamline the process and ensure compliance with legal requirements. From free templates to customizable employee handbook builders, a plethora of resources exists to help you craft the perfect handbook for your organization. By leveraging these tools, you can confidently create a handbook that not only informs and motivates your employees but also aligns with your company's unique culture and values.

ZGM's Bold Approach: Based in Alberta, the ZGM marketing agency takes a bold approach with its employee handbook. Rather than relying heavily on imagery, they opt for impactful, bold text to convey their message effectively. This minimalist yet powerful style ensures that employees get the information they need without any distractions.

Employee handbooks, often seen as a necessary evil in the corporate world, have undergone a transformation in recent years. Companies, both big and small, have recognized the potential of these documents as tools to not only inform but also engage their workforce. In this article, we're going to take a closer look at some of the coolest and most creative employee handbook template designs that have set new standards in the world of company culture communication.

These employee handbook examples showcase the diversity of approaches organizations take to communicate their culture, values, and policies. Whether it's through bold text, mission-driven messages, playful illustrations, or a balanced blend of legal and cultural information, these handbooks serve as valuable tools for shaping the employee experience and ensuring alignment with the company's vision.

What should be included in employee benefits sections of handbooks?

Frequently Asked Questions


Regular updates ensure that the handbook remains current with evolving laws, regulations, and company policies, providing accurate and relevant information to employees.


To support remote work, include guidelines for effective communication, collaboration, and security measures in your handbook, embracing the advantages of remote work.


A code of conduct sets guidelines for expected behaviors, ensuring consistency, clarity on policies, and fostering a positive work environment.

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