When investing in a Gold IRA, investors often ask if it's feasible to store physical gold at home. A Gold IRA (Ira, for short) is an Individual Retirement Account consisting of precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium and is an attractive retirement portfolio diversifier. We will delve into regulations surrounding storage as we examine whether home storage of Gold IRA assets would be feasible.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) imposes specific guidelines when it comes to storing precious metals within an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), such as in an approved depository. Furthermore, under Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 which first permitted precious metals into an IRA plan, any metals must remain physically in the hands of either an IRS-approved bank trustee or nonbank trustee who holds physical custody over them for safe keeping.
An IRS-approved depository must store Gold IRAs to guarantee their safety and security.
However, some investors seek an alternate means of circumventing these regulations by setting up an LLC owned by their IRA - this arrangement is commonly known as an LLC Checkbook IRA or Home Storage IRA, and they contend it allows them to keep their gold safe within their home since an LLC serves as their trustee.
However, as this arrangement has not received official IRS endorsement, its legality for home storage purposes may remain somewhat hazy; thus, those opting for this route could find themselves operating within legal grey areas.
While many are drawn to Home Storage IRAs for its inherent risk management features, they should understand there may be certain dangers involved with keeping precious metals stored at home:
Security Risks: Storing gold at home exposes it to theft; in contrast, depository sites typically feature enhanced protection through vaults, security personnel and insurance coverage.
Although storing your Gold IRA at home might seem tempting, it is crucial that you assess both its legal ramifications and risks associated with storage at home. While an IRS-approved depository provides greater compliance with regulations while offering better security features and insurance protection; before making decisions regarding storage for a Gold IRA it would be prudent to consult a tax professional or attorney who understands these regulations as soon as possible.