is liposuction safe

liposuction on thighs

Before deciding whether or not to do lipo, it is important that patients discuss the benefits and drawbacks with their doctor. After careful consideration, liposuction should only be performed.

In the 1920s, Charles Dujarier, a French surgeon presented body contouring techniques and fat reduction. It was impossible to have imagined how far it would go. The tunneling method was developed by physicians in the 1970s, 1980s, and even 1980s. This suction-assisted method is used today in lipo. Many lipo strategies are available today to help patients achieve their goals. Dr. Hochstein will recommend different liposuction options depending on your needs and goals.

It is very limited how much fat can be safely removed.

liposuction on thighs

liposuction on thighs

Liposuction allows a surgeon to contour the body by carefully removing fat cells in specific areas. This is not a weight management surgery, but a fat removal treatment. You will have better outcomes if your weight is closer to your goal. If you are looking to lose significant weight, liposuction won't give you the results you desire. A surgeon can remove 6-8 pounds of fat. Extreme fat removal can be dangerous and sometimes even harmful. It can also cause cosmetic problems such as excessive skin or tearing. Cellulite and dimples can be treated with liposuction.

After ultrasonic surgery, suction assisted liposuction is used for melting fat.

Your treatment may not produce the desired results. Temporarily, it is possible to feel that you have gained weight. Lipo can reduce fat cells by up to 10 pounds. However, liquid retention can make you appear bloated. You can start to see results when the swelling is reduced.

is liposuction safe

liposuction stomach

The power-assisted liposuction, also known as powered lipo (PAS), uses a cannula with a mechanized system. This allows the specialist remove excess fat quickly.

Patients with low skin elasticity may appear looser than those who have received treatment.

Women and men sometimes need support in making realistic assumptions about the results of lipo. Many people feel frustrated when they don?t see the results they desire. Follow the after-care instructions to ensure you get the desired results.

liposuction stomach
neck liposuction cost

neck liposuction cost

Results will be visible in 3 to 6 months depending on how much fat was removed.

Lipo permanently removes fat cells from the body and alters its shape.

You don't want to have liposuction performed by someone you don?t trust. Your success will depend on the skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise of your plastic surgeon.

recovery time for liposuction

These results are not surprising but subtle.

The skin can be exposed to a variety of threats, such as infection, tingling and scarring. If excess fat is removed, the skin may become lumpy and indented. How much fat is removed will determine how dangerous the surgery.

Ultrasonic assisted liposuction makes use of both ultrasonic power and tumescent liquid to heat and melt the subcutaneous fat. This allows for fat to be removed much faster. UAL may require more incisions but may leave less scarring. However, a larger size cut can help to reduce fat faster. UAL is particularly beneficial in helping to remove fat from the upper abdomen and sides as well as the neck.

recovery time for liposuction

Most patients would prefer that their surgeon refrains from cutting away the skin and leaving a scar, but there is a point when excision is the only option for the smooth result that patients envision. Most liposuction revisions are due to excess skin that was not excised.ÿ

How does liposuction appear and feel?

Are liposuction results permanent?

Liposuction surgery

When people eat poorly and gain weight, each fat cell becomes more dense. Lipo reduces the diversity of fat cells at particular locations.

Patients should discuss with their doctor the advantages and disadvantages of lipo before deciding whether to have it done. Only liposuction is recommended after careful consideration.

The amount of fat that has been removed will determine how quickly you see results.

Liposuction surgery