Ensure that the chimney service provider has liability and workman's compensation insurance. If a chimney sweep does not have insurance, they could inflict injury on your property or get hurt while working. The best way to avoid a lawsuit is to hire a company with liability insurance.
Chimney sweeping professionals should be CSIA certified and carry business liability insurance. CSIA established standards for professional chimney sweeps. These professionals are trained to manage different fire types. A CSIA-certified chimney sweep can also start work before any leaves begin to fall. It is crucial for your safety as soot can cause damage to property and homes.
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According to some, the top hats and coats gave sweeps an element of pride and made them more confident in their job. They quickly became the uniform for chimney sweeps and have remained that way until today.
To check if a chimney has enough integrity, have it swept by a professional chimney sweep. Next, have the Chimney Integrity Test performed by your chimney sweep. The chimney is placed under pressure to check the rate of leakage