What kind of people make good lawyers?

drunk driving lawyer toronto

It is also an asset to have a criminal defense attorney representing you when it involves negotiating plea deal negotiations. The criminal defense lawyer can work with you to negotiate plea deals and also explain the hidden costs that come along with guilty pleas. Many people are unaware of all the potential consequences of pleading guilty. Not only can they face prison time, they may also have trouble finding a job after completing their punishment.

An experienced criminal attorney can help you reduce charges and reduce penalties. A criminal lawyer can argue for community service or fines. While they can't guarantee favourable outcomes, they can improve your chances of winning. Your sentences can be reduced to 1 year.

Hire a criminal defence attorney as soon possible, instead of waiting. The best outcome is possible by hiring a lawyer early. The best way to protect your rights as a citizen is to hire a lawyer. Your attorney will use their vast knowledge of law to help you get the best possible result.

drunk driving lawyer toronto

professional discipline lawyer toronto

criminal lawyer toronto


criminal law
criminal record
impaired driving
criminal defence
law firm
criminal charges
mandatory minimum
driving under the influence
dui charges
ignition interlock
criminal harassment
drunk driving
driving impaired
preliminary inquiry
youth criminal justice act
bail hearing
breaking and entering
simple assault

Wikipedia says this about Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions

Public Defender. The tough task of representing criminals in court or hearings is that of a public defender. Public defenders are often overworked or underpaid as is the case with many law enforcement personnel.

Accreditation and duration Duration: Minimum 3 to 6 years (part time)

It is a very draining profession. You are making a choice to become a lawyer. This means that you will have to put in long hours studying and preparing for every case. Some clients can be very demanding.