Investing in Rare Earth Metals: Risks and Rewards

Rare earth metal investments provide diversification and potential profits, yet can be unsteady investments due to being illiquid and volatile. To get the best return from rare earth investments, the best approach is purchasing shares of companies mining these minerals.

Alternative strategies for purchasing rare earth metals include ETFs like VanEck Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF (REMX). Some robo-advisors also provide customized ESG portfolios featuring exposure to rare earth mining firms.


Due to their unique properties, rare earth elements have seen an increased demand. These metals can be utilized for numerous applications including magnets for electric cars and wind turbines as well as providing clean energy solutions that reduce global warming impacts. Rare earth elements are also commonly found in manufacturing processes for televisions, computers and mobile phones - though investing in rare earth mining companies may carry some inherent risks.

Rare earth minerals are notoriously difficult to mine, with few companies that produce them having access to sufficient funding. Furthermore, only a handful of rare earth stocks listed outside China provide potential investors for these companies and this may result in more volatile prices for rare earth minerals than usual.

Mining and production of rare earth minerals takes place in countries with weak environmental standards, creating another potential threat. Once, the United States was an active producer, but in the 1980s began outsourcing production to China due to lower labor costs and less stringent environmental standards; today China controls most of the global reserves of rare earths.

Mining and production of rare earth minerals is both costly and time consuming, which may not provide a high return. Finally, their price depends heavily on supply and demand - an increase in demand will lead to an increase in prices, vice versa.

Investment in rare earth stocks can be highly rewarding if you choose the appropriate company to invest in. To reap maximum return from rare earth investments, investors should look for companies with growth plans to offset some of the inherent risks of the sector. ASX companies such as Lynas Rare Earths (ASX: LYC), which has survived multiple political games in both China and Malaysia, and Hastings Technology Metals (ASX: HAS), with rare earth deposits located in Gascoyne region in Western Australia are prime options to invest in rare earths stocks.


Rare earth metals have many uses in modern technologies, ranging from renewable energy production to defence applications. Since these metals are relatively scarce and their supply can lead to substantial profits for mining companies that provide them, rare earths present an excellent investment opportunity for mining firms that supply them.

Rare metal investments present some risks for retail investors. Rare metals often trade on illiquid markets that are susceptible to price manipulation. Furthermore, new technologies or materials could emerge which could displace rare earths altogether and therefore decrease demand and decrease prices.

Investors looking for rare earth mining companies should focus on selecting large corporations with proven exploration and mining techniques, reasonable market shares in rare earths, consistent output levels and steady cash flows - such as MP Materials Corp (NYSE: MP) in the U.S. or Lynas Rare Earths (ASX: LYC) in Australia.

Ideal investments would include companies that mine rare earth minerals and refine them into finished products such as magnets and catalysts for petroleum refining, television and computer screens, rechargeable batteries, catalytic converters, glass additives lighting and X-ray machines. Furthermore, it's crucial that these firms ensure stable supplies of rare earths.

If a single country controls most of the global production and decides to restrict exports, this could quickly send prices soaring and investors scrambling for alternatives. Furthermore, companies often need years to identify new sources of rare earths.

Good news is that several companies are working to diversify and increase production outside China, which should help stabilize prices. Furthermore, mining companies are exploring new methods for recovering rare earths from waste electronics and high-tech products; here, sustainability narrative can play a significant role as some processes may be more environmentally-friendly than others.

Rare earths stocks could be suitable investments depending on your personal financial situation, investment goals and time horizon. But there are compelling arguments in favor of investing in this sector as technology and green industries continue to flourish.

Investing Options

Investors looking into rare earth metals should remember that diversification is key when investing, both geographically and sectorally. Diversifying reduces risk by making portfolios less prone to unpredicted events or technical malfunctions that arise unexpectedly.

Investors should seek companies with multiple operation stations. This will create a more diversified supply chain and can increase profitability. Furthermore, investors should carefully assess mining and processing companies' safety and environmental policies so that any potential damage to the environment is limited as much as possible.

Rare earth elements - which include neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium, terbium and yttrium - may seem like minor parts of modern devices and applications, yet are essential to modern devices and applications - such as permanent magnets for hybrid and electric vehicles and industrial motors; glass additives/polishants; television/computer screens/lighting; lighting/X-ray machines etc. In national defense applications they play an essential role as guidance systems/lasers/radar/sonar systems etc.

While the US was once considered a dominant producer, China now reigns supreme due to lower labor costs and environmental standards. Investors looking to capitalize on this shift could consider investing in Chinese rare earth producers or processing companies; however, this comes with risk as prices can change quickly as well as changes to China's political landscape.

Investors seeking exposure to rare earths should consider purchasing shares from mining and processing companies with proven records who can withstand fluctuation in rare earth prices, or investing through ETFs such as VanEck Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF (REMX). Both investments offer diversification across multiple companies.

Future demand for rare earth metals will ultimately be driven by eco-friendly technology development, so it is crucial that companies that promote more eco-friendly practices receive support.


As the global economy shifts towards green energy and modern technologies, rare earth metals should experience increased demand. If you want to invest in this sector, keep in mind that prices of rare earths can be volatile - therefore it is crucial that your portfolio includes various stocks and assets in order to minimize risk.

The easiest and cheapest way to invest in rare earth elements is through mining or processing companies that produce these metals, providing investors with reliable long-term returns. China currently dominates production but other nations are also increasing production to meet increased demand.

Before investing in any rare earths company, make sure that you do your due diligence on their business practices. Some rare earths companies may violate environmental regulations and engage in forced child labor - purchasing stock can be both ethically challenging and financially risky for investors.

If you don't wish to invest directly in rare earth mining shares, ETFs offer another means of exposure. One such ETF is VanEck Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF (REMX), which gives exposure to both rare earth mining stocks and strategic metals companies; another alternative is iShares Rare Earth/Strategic Minerals ETF (REMS), which exposes investors to rare earth metals as well as companies that extract these elements.

Rare earths funds provide investors with an efficient means of investing in rare earths. Managed by experts, these funds offer broad exposure to numerous rare earth mining companies while some also include platinum mining operations for diversifying investor exposure across industries.

Overall, investing in rare earths can be an excellent opportunity for those willing to accept some degree of volatility. The sector is relatively young and provides many potential avenues of growth. Furthermore, rare earths represent a unique group of metals used across numerous industries; with increased demand outpacing supply levels these metals could enjoy significant price appreciation in the near future.