Tips On Arranging a Wedding

Visual Bride

While planning a wedding event may be exciting and fun, it can prove to be hectic and overwhelming. Your wedding will undoubtedly be the biggest event of your life, so you would not want to mess things up by throwing a poorly managed and organised wedding party.

From keeping an eye on the budget to short-listing the most important guests and hiring a wedding photographer to book the best wedding car, there is a long list of wedding preparations that need your attention. Let us help you by sharing the most important tips on arranging a wedding that will help you structure your event and plan it to perfection.

The foremost factor that you need to bear in mind is that weddings are expensive, and you would not want to spend a stressful life after marriage by spending a lot on the preparations. Before you begin organising things and bookings, give proper time to yourself to identify the optimum budget that you are willing to spend all together.

If your family members are willing to contribute, ask them politely what they are willing to spend. Calculating the approximate budget is necessary, and you must stick to the final budget amount until the end.

Visual Bride
Write Down Your Priorities

Write Down Your Priorities

Spend some time talking to your partner about the dos and don'ts for your wedding, and list down the priorities by beginning with the most important ones first, for instance, finalising the wedding date, choosing the best venue according to your needs, hiring a professional photography service, booking a nice luxury wedding car, or having a nice, soft music managed by a band on your big day.

Discuss these and all other questions regarding your wedding, and evaluate them carefully with your counterpart before writing them down. This will also help you manage your budget and get the most important jobs done without running out of budget.

Involve Others to Share the Burden

As it's often quoted, "the more, the better" you need to seek helping hands that can assist you and share your duties. You might contact your family members, friends, or other near and dear ones for this purpose. It is imperative to allocate responsibilities and assign a deadline to keep things on track and organised throughout the planning process.

Also, it is essential to stay connected to your counterpart and value their suggestions. Doing this will ease you from planning alone and develop an even stronger bond with them.

Involve Others to Share the Burden
Be Vigilant with Dates

Be Vigilant with Dates

For couples who are eagerly planning their weddings, keeping an eye on the dates is something you must not overlook. Begin by choosing some ideal dates for your big day, and be flexible. While selecting the wedding date, you should also consider external factors, like how popular your chosen dates could be, the availability of your desired venue and the venue costs, for instance.

The second phase, where you must be vigilant with the dates, is once you have begun the preparations. Allocate sufficient time to individual tasks, set deadlines for all of them to remain ahead of time and ensure that you are completed on time in the end. It is best to get a wedding planner, where you can add on all the preparatory tasks with their deadlines clearly mentioned.

Take Inspirations

One of the most amazing part of planning a wedding is by seeking inspiration. When it comes to your big day, you have a lot of options. Think wisely about your wedding theme and how you would like your wedding to feel and look. Are you obsessed with the super-classic wedding theme? Or Admire a rather relaxed and trendy feel?

There are many options, and you can take valuable insights from Pinterest, Instagram and other wedding planning websites to learn more about the décor, wedding colours and the essential arrangement. You can also do this at the later stages of your arrangements, but we recommend giving some time to it initially so you know where to begin once you are down to the venue and management.

Involve Others to Share the Burden
Preparing the Guest List

While most people would say this can be settled at the end or at least the later stages of the arrangements, you have to keep an eye on this and never be negligent since this is one of the most budget-consuming factors of your wedding. There is a significant difference between 40 and 400 guests, and your choice of venue is also directly related to your number of guests.

Before you choose the venue, make sure that you have made a rough guest list, and ensure that your wedding venue is sufficient to cater for those many people. Also, if you have a tight budget, we recommend short-listing guests and limiting them to avert additional venue and menu costs.

Preparing the Guest List