SR22 Certificate Columbus OH
The driving infraction that resulted in the SR-22 may cause a considerable rise in your vehicle insurance premiums even if your insurer decides to maintain your business. It is often required if you were involved in an accident, even if it was not your fault. What happens if I cancel my car insurance? An SR-26 form will be filed by the insurance company to notify the state of the canceled coverage. If you were responsible for an accident while driving without insurance, SR-22 auto insurance is usually required. If you are a violator, it's part of your filing requirements for car insurance. The law requires that the Secretary of State be notified if the insurance agency fails to receive a renewal within 15 days of the expiration date. We can issue your SR-22 quickly and notify the state of your insurance status without charging you a filing fee. It's the violation responsible for the SR-22 filing obligation. An SR-22 is not an actual "type" of insurance, but a form filed with your state. An FR-44 is typically required for three year.