SR22 Certificate San Diego CA
As long as your car insurance is still in effect, the SR-22 will still be valid. If your insurance carrier is not licenced in a certain state, you must file your SR22 form with the state's Department of Motor Vehicles. We have listed below the contact information for each state in the United States. An SR-22 form is a certificate of financial responsibility that shows a driver has the minimum required car insurance. Based on your driving record, you may be needed to get a FR-44 instead of an SR-22 in Florida and Virginia. Nonowner auto insurance isn't offered by every insurer, so you may have trouble acquiring coverage, especially with traffic infractions. At UAI, there is not an extra expense for your Illinois SR22 filing. It's a secondary coverage that spends for damages above and beyond what might be covered through the automobile's main insurance coverageAn SR-22 is a form that's submitted with your state to show that you have automobile insurance fulfilling the minimum coverages required by law. Please note: The above is meant as general information to help you understand the different aspects of insurance. You can get SR-22 insurance if you don’t own a vehicle with our non-owner insurance policy.