Warning: Incorrect tonnage (too low or too high) can cause damage to your press brake and the part you are bent. Refer to the operating manual for details on how to calculate the tonnage of the press brake.
Gulf States Saw & Machine. Co is a Member the American Welding Society (NOMMA) and the National Glass Association (NGA).
Adjust the bending angle in accordance with the metal spring back, and then calculate the margin. Accordingly, for example, 90deg bends, the punch should be reduced to 85deg.
Hydraulic press brakes use hydraulic pressure to push the ram down instead of relying on mechanics. They can have multiple cylinders, which gives the operator greater control over the bend. This results in a bend that is highly customizable and precise. Hydraulic press brakes have certain disadvantages. They cannot exceed their rated tonnage. Mechanical press brakes are a good choice if your project is flexible.
Our manual control brakes are ideal for jobs or industries that don’t require precise and detailed CNC controls. Manual press brakes come with all the same safety features that CNC models have. These powerful machines are easy to start and great for more simple jobs. They have a front-operated ram adjust and power back-gauge with digital readouts. Both can also be fine adjusted by handwheels. Our models range in weight from 22 tons to 425 tons.
Our manual control push brakes are suitable for industries and jobs that don’t require the precision and detail achieved by CNC controls. The manual press brakes include all the safety features of CNC models. However, manual presses are more powerful and easier to use than CNC models. They feature a front operated power back-gauge, ram adjust with digital readings, and fine adjustment handswheels for both. Our models range from 22 to 44 tons.
Dual Cylinder Press Brake And GoYou can use presses in sheet metal fabrication and production plants in many sectors such as automotive and aeronautics.
This game-changing tool changer offers real-time information to help any press brake operator perform even better.
Once these characteristics have been determined, you must then calculate the tonnage required for the bending operation.
Our energy-efficient, all-electric BB series press brakes come specially designed with a collection of ultra-modern, performance-enhancing features that are perfect for meeting and exceeding the demanding requirements facing today's production machinery experts.
There are many options, but we won't be able to list them all. If you don't find what you need, ask us. Safety is our top priority. The AKAS-LC laser safety system is considered the best for a press brake. Combination machines require light curtain sick C 4000. Additional axis available up to 14. Extended travel back gauge up to 39 inches with safety curtain. Motorized height adjustment for sheet follower. Delem (DA69T), Cybelec (10S-12S,15S), 3D with PC1200) updated cnc controllers Quick release clamping and hydraulic clamping, Wila Wilson mechanical or hydraulic clamping. Tooling options from the "who’s who" in press brake tooling. Positioning systems for bottom tools, thickness measurement systems, and offline software for Profile-W or V-Bend.
Every Standard hydraulic presse brake is checked in Rockford Illinois by our Perfect Machine Process to ensure it is ready for installation in your shop.
Hydraulic presses brakes exert pressure through hydraulics to lower the ram, and not rely on mechanics. They may be equipped with more than one piston, which allows for more precise control of the bend. This allows for a very precise and custom-made bend. There are some drawbacks to hydraulic press brakes. Hydraulic press brakes can only be used within the limits of their rated weight. For projects that require flexibility, mechanical presses brakes might be preferable.
Warning: Incorrect Tonnage (too high/low) could cause damage to your presses brake or the part that you are bending. The operating manual and a tonnage chart will help you calculate the tonnage for your press brake.
Air brakes are generally more efficient than hydraulic brakes. Hydraulic brakes are unable to provide the required energy to stop heavy loads. The air brakes are safer than hydraulic brakes because they will stop the wheel from spinning.
Brake Pads May be Damaged by WD40 WD40 is not an oil cleaner. It is an oil, and should not be used on a friction surface. The friction surface of brake pads is called WD40. If you spray WD40 on them, they will need to be replaced or cleaned.
The most common reason for a soft/spongy pedal is air in the brake lines. Breathing in air can cause the brake pedal to feel soft or spongy. If your brakes feel spongy or soft, it is time to flush or change the brake fluid.
Hydraulic brakes are more efficient than mechanical disc brakes. This means that you will need to apply less pressure to the lever for equal braking power. This allows for better modulation.
Hydraulic presses can be used for forging and clinching, moulding blanking, punching as well as metal forming operations like deep drawing and blanking. Hydraulic presses can also be used for rubber pad forming and powder compacting.