Fresh Start Tax Program

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What are tax relief programs

If you are a taxpayer with a significant tax debt burden that is difficult to pay, the Fresh Start Program may be worth your consideration. This option can be used if you have the ability to pay off the entire amount and are not facing financial hardship.

Fresh Start makes it possible. Find out everything you need to learn about it.

Falling behind on tax payments to the IRS is something that millions of Americans have dealt with at one time or another. Owing money to the IRS can be very intimidating, but don’t worry and definitely don’t lose hope – there is tax relief available. A reputable tax relief company can help you reach a tax relief agreement with the IRS.Using proven strategies, our knowledgeable experts can assist you through tax audits, help reduce your tax debt, and stop wage garnishments and bank levies from happening. In some cases, you may be able to settle tax debts for much less than was originally owed.The tax relief experts at Idea Tax are available to be your dedicated resource to save you the most money while resolving your IRS debt in the shortest amount of time possible.

We know what you’re thinking—this Fresh Start Program seems too good to be true! The good news is that the IRS program is 100% legitimate.

Ideal Tax provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess

According to the IRS, an offer in compromise is generally approved if the amount offered is the maximum we can expect within a reasonable time.

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If you are a taxpayer who has a huge tax debt burden and can't pay it off immediately, then you should look into the Fresh Start Program. This debt relief option is also available if your ability to pay the whole amount is not insurmountable but you would be facing financial hardship.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers special tax help to individuals and businesses hurt by a major disaster or emergency.

Ideal Tax provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess

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You can file IRS Form 13711 (Request for Appeal of Offer in Compromise) within 30 days from the date of your rejection letter to start a formal appeal. If you do not have the following, your appeal against a rejected offer of compromise will not be considered.

Nearly all families with kids qualify. Some income limitations apply. For example, only couples making less than $150,000 and single parents (also called Head of Household) making less than $112,500 will qualify for the additional 2021 Child Tax Credit amounts. Families with high incomes may receive a smaller credit or may not qualify for any credit at all. For more detail on the phase-outs for higher income families, see “How much will I receive in Child Tax Credit payments?”

The Academic Fresh Start Program does not apply to the Standards of Academic Progress for financial aid applicants. Therefore, the student may not qualify for financial aid based on prior academic performance.

What are tax relief programs
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The answer is yes. Both the IRS as well as taxpayers will benefit from the Fresh Start initiative. The IRS wins as they will receive some form payment, rather than being ghosted by taxpayers. The IRS wins because the taxpayer will be in good standing, meaning they won't be hit with levies or liens, wage garnishments, fines, criminal penalties, or other consequences.

Fresh Start Program permits taxpayers with back taxes, to enter into an agreement that extends payment over months, but no longer than 5-6 years. Direct debit payments are required and you must provide:

Resubmit your offer after you have found out why it was rejected. You might be able to find a solution with the special procedures officer or revenue officer.

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The American Rescue Plan enacted these historic changes to the Child Tax Credit for 2021 only. That is why President Biden and many others strongly believe that we should extend the increased Child Tax Credit for years and years to come. President Biden proposes that in his Build Back Better agenda.

The IRS Fresh Start initiative might sound great, but you might not know if you are eligible for any tax relief.

Let’s be clear: the IRS Fresh Start program is not actually one program. It’s actually a number of tax debt relief solutions offered by the agency. Some of the most common relief options available to taxpayers under the Fresh Start tax program include:

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Contact us to receive a complimentary tax case review and more information about how you can apply for the IRS Fresh Start Program.

Penalty abatement is the IRS term used to reduce or eliminate a penalty. Penalty abatement can also be considered Fresh Start tax relief. Penalty Abatement will only be granted if there is a valid reason. Penalty abatement can be requested at all levels of IRS collections. Remember that Penalty Abatement can only be granted by local IRS offices. A Penalty Abatement request can be made for free.

If a taxpayer believes he or she qualifies, the taxpayer completes a financial statement on a form provided by the Internal Revenue Service. Wage earners and self-employed individuals use Form 433-A. Form 433-B is for Offers involving all other business types. These financial statements identify all assets and liabilities as well as disposable income.

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