Fresh Start Tax Program

Are tax relief programs worth it

What is the lowest payment the IRS will take

The IRS Fresh Start Program is available to taxpayers who are willing to repay their debts in installments using a direct payment arrangement. The IRS Fresh Start Program allows tax-paying individuals who are eligible to do so in smaller amounts and with fewer penalties.

Nearly all families with kids qualify. Some income limitations apply. For example, only couples making less than $150,000 and single parents (also called Head of Household) making less than $112,500 will qualify for the additional 2021 Child Tax Credit amounts. Families with high incomes may receive a smaller credit or may not qualify for any credit at all. For more detail on the phase-outs for higher income families, see “How much will I receive in Child Tax Credit payments?”

Our lawyers will review your criminal history to find the most appropriate remedies for you. In order to provide you with the most accurate advice on your record relief options we will obtain a copy of any California Department of Justice Criminal History Report. Click here for more information on the Fresh Start procedure.

Generally, undue economic hardship occurs when you are unable to pay reasonable basic living expenses. Basic living expenses are those that provide for the health, welfare, and production of income for you or your family. We look to the IRS Collection Financial Standards to help determine allowable basic living expenses.

An IRS tax bill cannot be reduced. This is a matter that the IRS can decide to do. However, the IRS must give consideration to any properly submitted OIC in all cases. Recent years saw 40% of OICs accepted by the IRS. This is an impressive number compared to previous years.

For more information on how to apply for the IRS Fresh Start Program, please get in touch with us for a free tax case review.

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If you have a large tax debt that you cannot pay immediately, you should learn more about the Fresh Start Program. If you are unable to pay the entire amount but still need financial assistance, this debt relief option may be a good choice.

You should consider learning more about the Fresh Start Program if you’re a taxpayer with a massive tax debt burden that you can’t pay off immediately. This debt relief option can also help you if you can pay off the entire amount, but would endure financial hardship if you did so.

We offer a free review of tax cases and more information about how to apply for the IRS Fresh Start Program.

What is the lowest payment the IRS will take

What is the maximum IRS installment agreement

"Fresh Start initiative 2020", a search term that was popular a few years ago, is no longer a top-of-mind. But the current economic environment suggests that interest in the program hasn’t diminished. Here are some qualifications to be eligible for tax relief.

It's simple, yes. Both the IRS and you, as taxpayers, will be benefited by the Fresh Start initiative. The IRS will win because they will be compensated for their efforts rather than being "ghosted" by the taxpayer. The IRS wins because they will get back in good standing. This means that they won’t be hit by levies and liens, wage garnishments or criminal penalties, nor fines.

To apply for real estate tax relief for the current year, applicants must provide the gross household income from all sources of the owners of the dwelling and any relatives of the owner who reside in the dwelling from the immediately preceding year, The total combined income may not exceed $90,000. The following income limitations and percentage of relief apply:

What is the maximum IRS installment agreement
What can the IRS take from you

What can the IRS take from you

For more information regarding how to apply for the IRS Fresh Start Program, please call us for a tax case review.

The Administration collaborated with a non-profit, Code for America, who created a non-filer sign-up tool that is easy to use on a mobile phone and also available in Spanish. The deadline to sign up for monthly Child Tax Credit payments this year was November 15. If you are eligible for the Child Tax Credit but did not sign up for monthly payments by the November 15 deadline, you can still claim the full credit of up to $3,600 per child by filing your taxes next year.

To calculate your minimum offer amount, you will need to use the Form 433 instructions. Based on your financial disclosures in Form 433, the IRS is interested to know what your collection potential is. Your offer must be equal to:

Is the IRS Fresh Start Program Legitimate

Penalty Abatement is the term the IRS uses for wiping out or reducing a penalty. Penalty Abatement can be considered a form of Fresh Start tax relief. However, the IRS will only apply Penalty Abatement for a reasonable cause.You can request Penalty Abatement at any level of IRS collections: by visiting a federal IRS campus, through an automated collection system, or by speaking to personnel at local IRS offices. Keep in mind that a local IRS office can only grant a Penalty Abatement of up to $100. Requesting Penalty Abatement is free.

An IRS Fresh Start Program in Compromise (or OIC) is an agreement that allows taxpayers to reduce their tax debt by paying less than what they owe. This is the best Fresh Start tax relief through the Fresh Start Initiative. An Offer in Compromise can be the best way to reduce your tax debt via the Fresh Start Program. However, there are some conditions. This option is only available to taxpayers in difficult economic circumstances who do not have the financial resources necessary to fully pay their federal tax debt. An OIC is a strict requirement. This means that not all taxpayers who owe thousands to the IRS are eligible for the program. If you have a tax relief company certified, your chances of getting an Offer in Compromise are greatly increased. The IRS will not bully or manipulate tax experts into making a less than optimal solution. To ensure you avoid scams in tax relief, please refer to the "How to Avoid Tax Relief Scams". These companies promise an OIC without having examined your tax situation and prepared the required forms for the IRS. Only the IRS can approve an Offer in Compromise. The best tax relief company will communicate their process clearly, be experienced in negotiations with the IRS, get results for their clients, as well as center their strategies around your financial needs.

Relief from interest and penalties may be provided to people who are unable to file their returns and pay taxes and fees when due. This relief may be provided for the listed programs. To request a filing extension or relief from interest and penalties, please see the information below.

What is the maximum IRS installment agreement
What is the difference between tax relief and tax rebate

Unlike the other three Fresh Start tax programs, Currently Non-Collectible Status is just that: a “status” rather than a form of Fresh Start tax relief. The IRS reserves the right to place a taxpayer in Currently Non-Collectible Status if the taxpayer cannot pay their taxes.While this status does not necessarily remove tax debt, it does stop any collection activities. Such activity includes bank levies, wage garnishments, tax liens, and threatening letters from the IRS. Currently Non-Collectible Status allows a taxpayer to find Fresh Start tax relief in peace, without the IRS coming after them.To qualify for Currently Non-Collectible Status, you will need to meet the IRS Fresh Start Program qualifications, which we discuss in more detail below. We highly recommend that you consult with a tax professional before requesting this status from the IRS. Should you try to apply for the IRS Fresh Start Initiative Program on your own, the IRS will attempt to get you to agree to terms that are more favorable for them.Additionally, once the time period of your Currently Non-Collectible Status ends, the IRS will begin again in their efforts to collect on payments, and those phone calls and letters threatening penalties will continue. A tax relief company can help you stay in Currently Non-Collectible Status for as long as possible, and can help you develop a strategy for when you leave Non-Collectible Status.

The OIC submission has another disadvantage. The IRS can use the disclosures about your assets to speed up its collection efforts against your OIC if it rejects your OIC. It is best to not submit an offer unless you are likely to accept it.

An Installment Agreement, a payment plan that is offered by the Fresh Start Program, is an agreement to pay monthly. This agreement allows taxpayers to make monthly payments to the IRS for a set amount. These payments are made directly to the taxpayer's tax debt and will continue until it is fully paid. You will not be subject to IRS collection letters or penalties if you have an installment plan. This plan can also be used to demonstrate to the IRS that your willingness to pay off your debt. The downside to this plan is that the IRS can continue to add interest to your total debt even if you pay less monthly under the Fresh Start Program. The IRS can include interest in your outstanding account balance, so you may end up paying more than what you originally owed. Although an Installment Agreement is valid for Fresh Start tax relief, it is not easy to reach an agreement with the IRS about a fair monthly payment. If you hire a professional tax relief firm to represent you, your chances of making smaller monthly payments are higher.

What is the difference between tax relief and tax rebate