Fresh Start Tax Program

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This amount is then multiplied by 12, 24 or 24, depending on the period of payment you choose (either two years or five months). Follow the instructions in Form 433-A(OIC) to calculate your minimum offer and show the IRS.

Because of its flexibility, the IRS Fresh Start Program can be a great option for tax offenders who are not intentionally tax offenders. The program is not without its benefits. However, there are still myths surrounding its capabilities.

We understand what you are thinking. This Fresh Start Program sounds too good to be true. The good news? The IRS program is completely legitimate.

The American Rescue Plan increased the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 per child to $3,000 per child for children over the age of six and from $2,000 to $3,600 for children under the age of six, and raised the age limit from 16 to 17. All working families will get the full credit if they make up to $150,000 for a couple or $112,500 for a family with a single parent (also called Head of Household).

The Academic Fresh Start Program does NOT apply to Financial Aid applicants who have met the Standards of Academic Progress. Accordingly, financial aid may not be available to students who have poor academic records.

People sometimes violate tax laws unintentionally. This is why the IRS created the Fresh Start Program. The IRS's nonserial offense policies are a flexible set that can be a solution for people who are eligible.

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The gross income of the applicant may not exceed $22,000. Income shall be computed by combining the gross income of the preceding year for the owner(s) of the vehicle and their spouse, irrespective of how the vehicle is titled. The gross income of any person who is permanently and totally disabled shall not exceed $29,500.

Academic Fresh Start offers Texas residents the opportunity to enroll in college courses. It does not require that you have a poor academic record to be eligible for enrollment.

If you are considering applying for the Fresh Start Program, our experts can guide you through the process. Give us a call at 833-419-RISE (7473).To find more information on TaxRise services, and to learn about updates on the IRS Fresh Start Program for 2021, visit our blog, click the site menu to read client success stories, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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Penalty Abatement, as the IRS calls it, is the process by which a penalty can be reduced or eliminated. Penalty Abatement can be seen as a form of tax relief known as Fresh Start. Penalty Abatement can only be applied by the IRS for a reason that is reasonable. You can request Penalty Abatement at any level in IRS collections. The Penalty Abatement that can be granted by a local IRS office is limited to $100. You can request Penalty Abatement for free.

Academic Fresh Start is a program designed to give Texas residents an opportunity to enroll in college courses, without previous poor academic performance negatively impacting current enrollment, GPA, or academic standing.

OIC is becoming more popular among people of all income levels and ages. The IRS accepted 25,000 out of 62,000 offered Offers in Compromise in 2017. This is a 40% approval rate and amounts to nearly $256 million. The average dollar amount accepted was $10,234.

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Who qualifies for the IRS Fresh Start Program

Who qualifies for the IRS Fresh Start Program

Fresh Start Program allows taxpayers who owe back taxes to enter into an agreement that spreads out the payment over several months but not more than 5-6 years. You will need to make direct debit payments.

Once you’ve done that, the minimum offer calculation breaks down like this: The IRS will expect your available assets plus a year to two years’ worth of your income above what it considers acceptable expenses. Even if your secured debt and expenses exceed your assets, the IRS will demand you pay something.

If your business owes taxes, you could also be eligible for the Fresh Start Program. In this scenario, you will need to meet the following requirements:

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According to the IRS there are over 10,000,000 accounts flagged each year. Although thousands are made aware of the IRS Fresh Start Program every single year, many don't even know about it or simply dismiss it as an option. Once you have calmed down following a summons from the IRS, contact a tax professional. They will evaluate your case and understand all the details. Then, they will sit down with you to discuss your options, including the IRS Fresh Start Program. An expert in tax relief ensures that your application gets submitted correctly, accurately, and quickly. The IRS can be tricky to work with, so be cautious.

Because it is flexible, the IRS Fresh Start Program makes a great choice for unintentional tax offenders. There are many myths surrounding the program's capabilities, despite its many benefits.

To learn more about the IRS Fresh Start Program, contact us for a tax case review.

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Let's not forget that the IRS Fresh Start program does not consist of one program. The agency offers a variety of tax debt relief options. The Fresh Start tax program offers taxpayers many relief options, including:

Ideal Tax provides assistance to individuals struggling with unmanageable IRS tax burdens. To assess

Hiring someone to help with your tax return? Be sure to seek reputable tax assistance. Be wary of preparers who promise a larger refund, base their fees on a percentage of the refund, or promise other too-good-to-be-true outcomes.

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