Fresh Start Tax Program

Who qualifies for the IRS Fresh Start Program

Can the IRS garnish your wages after 10 years

We're offering tax help for individuals, families, businesses, tax-exempt organizations and others – including health plans – affected by coronavirus.

Current tax returns will be the most difficult hurdle to clear. To be eligible for the Fresh Start program, you must have all your tax returns up to date. In addition, you will need to have correct amounts of withholdings in the current year. This is the IRS’s way of ensuring that taxpayers can be held accountable. "@type", "Answer", or "text": Since the IRS Fresh Start program's inception back in 2011, the Tax Group Center has been helping people make the most of it. This has allowed us to become very familiarized with the program. Tax Group Center has many options to assist you if you are facing a problem regarding late taxes.

By claiming the Child Tax Credit (CTC), you can reduce the amount of money you owe on your federal taxes. The amount of credit you receive is based on your income and the number of qualifying children you are claiming.

Before we accept your offer, you must agree to certain terms and conditions. For a complete list, see the Offer in compromise terms & conditions. You can view all terms and conditions online by completing the Web application. For mail applications, please refer to Form DTF-4 and Form DTF-4.1. We will mail you a copy if your offer is accepted.

Financial aid applicants are not eligible for the Academic Fresh Start Program. The student might not be eligible for financial aid due to their academic performance.

To learn more about the IRS Fresh Start Program, contact us for a tax case review.

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The IRS Fresh Start Program offers various types of support to businesses. It includes policies and actionable plans. Working with professionals is crucial if you're self employed. With a tax relief advocate, you can find the best support and make the best decisions for your situation. The Fresh Start Program doesn't consist of one program. Instead, it is a combination of strategies and policies.

While you may think the IRS Fresh Start initiative sounds fantastic, you might not know whether you are eligible for any tax relief.

The OIC (or Offer in Compromise) program in the United States is an Internal Revenue Service(IRS) program that allows tax-debtor qualified individuals to negotiate a reduced amount than the total amount owed to clear their debt. The Form 656, Offer in Compromis, package contains a checklist that identifies whether the taxpayer is eligible to participate in the offer in compromise program. OIC programs encourage voluntary compliance with future filing requirements and payments.

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Businesses impacted by recent California fires may qualify for extensions, tax relief, and more; please visit our State of Emergency Tax Relief page for additional information.

If you qualify for an OIC, the IRS will then determine how much it will accept from you to settle the debt. This offer amount is also called the reasonable collection potential (RCP). It’s the amount that the IRS can reasonably collect from you before the collection statute expires.

Ideal Tax is committed to providing a safe and secure site that you can trust. We take your privacy seriously and will not share your information.

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Although not all people will be eligible for these options, the IRS will work with each individual to determine which relief option is best for you. The Fresh Start program benefits both taxpayers and the IRS.

The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the largest Child Tax Credit ever and historic relief to the most working families ever – and as of July 15th, most families are automatically receiving monthly payments of $250 or $300 per child without having to take any action. The Child Tax Credit will help all families succeed.

Sending a letter to your Collection Information Statement (Form 432-A) to highlight special circumstances is the best way for you to get attention from IRS. The letter doesn't need be long or formal, but it should only contain one or two pages detailing your story of woe. It is also necessary to attach medical records and statements from doctors describing your condition. If your medical records do not show the extent of the condition, you can explain it in your own words.

What if I owe the IRS and can't pay

In a nutshell, yes! The Fresh Start initiative is beneficial for both the IRS and you as a taxpayer. The IRS wins because they’ll receive some form of payment rather than simply getting ghosted by the taxpayer. The taxpayer wins because they’ll get back in good standing with the IRS, which means they won’t get hit with levies, liens, wage garnishments, criminal penalties, fines, and more.

All of these cases require that the feds consider your unique facts and circumstances, including income, ability to pay and equity.

Penalty Abatement refers to the IRS's term for reducing or wiping out a penalty. Penalty Abatement is a type of tax relief called Fresh Start. The IRS will not apply Penalty Abatement unless there is a good reason. Penalty Abatement can be requested at any level of IRS collections. This includes visiting a federal IRS campus or through an automated collection system. You also have the option to speak with staff at local IRS offices. A local IRS office cannot grant Penalty Abatements of more than $100. The Penalty Abatement request is free.

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The American Rescue Plan enacted these historic changes to the Child Tax Credit for 2021 only. That is why President Biden and many others strongly believe that we should extend the increased Child Tax Credit for years and years to come. President Biden proposes that in his Build Back Better agenda.

Unintentionally violating tax laws can happen to anyone. The IRS has created the Fresh Start program. The IRS's nonserial offender policies may be the right solution for you if you are eligible.

If you owe the IRS or can't pay your tax debt completely, then the Fresh Start tax initiative might be a good option.

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