Qc Drilling

G Code Drilling Cycle

Voortman machines are the world leaders in structural steel fabrication technology. Steel fabricators that own Voortman machines uphold an advantage in the steel industry and have the ability to optimize tonnage capacity. The Advantage-2 CNC beam drill line is the backbone of any structural steel fabrication shop. High-speed, multi-spindle, relentless carbide drilling is the very core of this machine. The design of the Advantage-2 has created one of the most profitable drill lines in the steel industry. A heavy steel frame ensures this drill line will support shops for the long haul. The Advantage-2 can run profiles end to end with no stop in production all thanks to the roller feed design on the infeed and outfeed. Hundreds of fabricators across the globe run hundreds of thousands of tons of steel through their Advantage-2s year after year.

Programming of the CNC Drill Line is very simple even when done manually. The machine programming software is Peddimat and most operators can learn how to program most parts in less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. However the best way to program the machine is to import parts directly from a CAD drawing preferably done in some 3-D modeling software such as Tekla Structures, SDS/2, ProSteel 3D, StruMis etc. These files import directly into the machine and the operator merely selects the part to be processed and hits the Cycle Start button.

All of our beam drill lines machines are equipped with central lubrication, linear guides, and a tool cooling to ensure smooth operation. There is a four-station tool changer within each coordinate system. This allows the machine to drill and mill, scribe, countersink, or tap as required. Tools can be easily swapped mid-operation. A positive beam positioning arm is attached to the feed conveyor. It allows for more precise positioning of the beam as it moves through the drillline. The rack and pinion system maintains.004" making our steel beam drilllines more accurate than friction roll machines.

Even if you are programming the CNC Drill Line manually, it is easy to program. Peddimat machine programming software can be used and most operators will learn how to program most of the parts in under an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. It is best to program the machine by importing parts directly from a 3-D modeling program such as ProSteel 3D, StruMis, Tekla Structures, SDS/2 or StruMis. These files are imported directly into your machine. Once you have selected the part, hit the Cycle Start button.

Cnc Drill Line And Tap

Cnc Drill Line And Tap

GSS Machinery is committed to offering you the best options for drilling with your CNC Drill Line, or any other CNC Beam Drill Line.

Voortman-designed beam drilling lines have intelligence not only in their own capabilities but also in the fact that they can be plugged into any environment because of their modularity. Tandem solutions, such as band saws with robotic coppers or PeddiWriters, expand the shop’s throughput positioning. It allows for a more cost-effective approach when the steel sector cools down and a more aggressive one when it heats. Voortman invented the Multmaster, which can be used to advance small parts into a tandem-bandsaw. Fabricators are more profitable when they use the whole profile and minimize the remnant. Do you want more output? Check. Material handling is key to any Voortman CNC drill-line profit. Fabricators not only lose money when a profile is manually moved but material handling is far safer than using fork trucks and cranes to move the largest profiles.

Cnc Drill Line Development

To service our global clientele, Voortman proudly provides our partners with 24 hour technical support. Voortman’ inside service staff have years of experience in the field, assembly, or factory checkout which provides them with hands-on experience with most machines. At Voortman their service staff is not only available when you need them, but they maintain superior knowledge to solve questions as they arise.

Voortman offers training courses at their Bradley Illinois facility on all Voortman equipment. These courses are for both new and experienced operators. The facility's graduates return to their shops highly motivated, trained, and ready to increase productivity. For pricing and details, please call.

Cnc Drill Line Development

Cnc Drill Line Llc

We train every operator on how to operate the machine using Peddimat. This is because you may be faced with a situation where a customer has a couple of pieces that need holes or layout marks. You want to be able produce these quickly and without disturbing your detailing staff, who might be working on a larger project.

Remote assistance may not be able to diagnose all issues. There are still many mechanical issues that need to be addressed by a human. Voortman machines can be shipped with high resolution web cameras and software. Voortman staff can see what is happening at the site without needing to leave their offices. The webcam is extremely useful for communicating issues in foreign countries and situations where it might be difficult to speak the right language.

H Beam Drill

Advantage-2 uses a series support clamps to ensure that the workpiece is as rigid as possible through the machine. The minimum vibration is the best way to extend carbide tool life.

G Code Drilling Cycle
Cnc Drill Line Development

Check our other pages :

Cnc Drill Line Vessel Tracking

This ability to mill efficiently speeds up project completion. The Advantage-2 user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM software allows the operator to quickly program parts. The 3D platform allows you to inspect, modify, and export your part information. Advantage-2 drill's greatest advantages are the ability to scribe and mill slots as well as large lifting holes. This machine is truly unique. The scribing allows us to place piece marks, layout lines, and center points. It's been great to have the flexibility to use it whenever we want and to make those decisions.

Although 90% of support issues can be resolved by Voortman’ 24 Hour Tech Support center, an expansive network of 50+ Voortman field service personnel are stationed throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Australia/New Zealand.

Frequently Asked Questions

T Beam's disadvantages: Because the beam slab is monolithic (rigid), its resistance to lateral shear forces becomes very weak. (cracks develops quickly). This is why T beams are used for high-rise buildings in earthquake-prone areas.

Drilling lines are used for lifting or lowering the drill pipe into the wellbore. They present a challenging application for wire ropes with repetitive high-load bending over sheaves.

C-Channel is usually stronger than tube in the vertical direction (as shown in the beam profile chart picture above).

C or Channel Beams. Channel beams are typically used to support lighter loads. They are a popular choice for residential construction and not for heavy construction.

To ensure the beam's strength, pipes must pass through the middle section of beams. Additional strengthening of the beams can be done with steel reinforcement, concrete depth or additional strengthening where pipes enter the beams.