Traumatic Brain Injury Bicycle Accident

Oakland Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

Safety of semi-truck occupants is a serious concern. State and federal safety regulations are very strict for commercial truck drivers. However, the number of accidents involving large commercial trucks continues to rise. The number of semi-truck related accidents in Texas was 452 in the year the year 2019, which is an increase of more than 55% from the previous year. This could be a reason for the increased number of accidents involving large commercial trucks. However, drivers should remember that safety restraints for occupants can play a crucial role in preventing injuries and fatalities.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Falling Off Bike Knee Injury

Every year, thousands of people die in huge truck and 18-wheeler accidents. The majority of accidents are the result of human error, however, trucking companies and their drivers frequently make mistakes that cause these deaths. Trucking companies can prevent accidents and keep the public safe by avoiding common mistakes. Learn more about these common mistakes and how to avoid them. Truck safety is everyone's responsibility.

Driving Directions


Abdominal Pain After Bike Accident

The injuries suffered by the victims of a semi truck accident are devastating. Accidents can cause thousands of dollars in medical bills, and can leave a lasting emotional impact. Family members who survive may be eligible for a wrongful-death lawsuit if the accident results in the death of a loved one. In many cases, the truck driver may be found to be negligent. The legal action could result in a monetary award, as well as other damages.

Abdominal Pain After Bike Accident
Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys

Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys

Truck drivers must drive their big vehicles safely, within speed limits, and with safety. They are also required to maintain the distance between other vehicles. Speeding and tailgating are both considered reckless driving and could result in accidents. Drivers should always check their vehicles prior to driving. If they have a faulty component, it could result in an accident. Another reason for this could be road debris. The truck may swerve to avoid hitting a large piece of road debris or hit it.

Oakland Bicycle Accident Law Firm

Truck drivers must abide by federal and state regulations to prevent accidents. These regulations are intended to protect the highways and trucks. Drivers must be physically fit to drive big rigs. Drivers must be physically fit to operate a large rig. It is a high-risk vehicle that can result in serious injury or death. There are a lot of fatalities and injuries when big rigs collide with other cars. Over time the safety regulations for trucking have improved significantly.

Oakland Bicycle Accident Law Firm
Oakland Bike Accident Attorneys
Oakland Bike Accident Attorneys

A good lawyer is essential when it comes to a truck-related accident. A competent lawyer has the expertise to handle these cases and will be able to gather evidence and negotiate the most favorable settlement. An attorney will be able to collect evidence of negligence and get the trucking company to pay the proper amount. This will allow the person who was injured get an appropriate settlement. If the accident was your fault the trucking company may not be able to pay compensation. In addition to assessing your losses and injuries an attorney will provide information on your legal options.

Biking Injuries

A tractor-trailer's weight can be extremely heavy. A typical car weighs two thousand to three thousand pounds. However, a truck that weighs an 80,000 pound can weigh up to ten thousand! It is essential to learn how to share the road with tractor trailers. Tractor trailer accidents are often the cause of serious injuries or even death. The risk of a collision is too high to be ignored.

Biking Injuries
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.