Bay Area Bike Accident Attorney Near Me

Bike Injury

Every year, thousands of people are injured in 18-wheeler accidents and large truck accidents. The accidents are largely the result of human error, however, trucking companies and drivers often make mistakes that lead to deaths. There are common errors that trucking companies make that can prevent accidents and keep the public secure. Read on to learn more about these common mistakes and ways to avoid them. Safety for trucks is the responsibility of all.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Hip Pain After Falling Off Bike

Truck drivers must drive their big rigs safely, within speed limits, and with security. They also must maintain the distance between other vehicles. Unskillful driving can lead to accidents, like speeding or tailgating. Drivers should make sure to check their vehicles prior to driving. If they have a defective part, it could lead to an accident. Road debris is another reason to be concerned. It is possible to see the truck swerving to avoid hitting large pieces of road debris or it could even be able to run over it.

Driving Directions


Oakland Cycling Lawyer

The majority of truck crashes are the result of driver error. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Driver error accounts for around 88% of all crashes involving vehicles. Truck crashes can also be caused by speeding, fatigue inattention to blind spots, or any other cause. Truck accidents can be caused by driver error and other factors like fatigue, job pressure, and fatigue. As an alternative, the majority of accidents happen on highways and expressways.

Oakland Cycling Lawyer
Wrist Pain After Falling Off Bike

Wrist Pain After Falling Off Bike

Long hours can make you tired. Truck drivers are usually not allowed to work more than an hour at an time. Truck drivers may be tempted to violate the law to make more money. Speeding increases the chances of an accident. This could lead to serious injuries and expensive property damage. Speeding tractor trailers can be particularly dangerousbecause they take longer to stop. They can also strike pedestrians or other vehicles due to fatigued drivers.

Cycling Injuries

The injuries sustained by victims of a semi truck accident can be devastating. The resulting injuries may result in thousands of dollars in medical expenses, and they can have an emotional and lasting impact. The family members who survived could be able to file a wrongful-death lawsuit in the event of the death of loved ones. In many cases, the truck driver can be found guilty of negligence. The resulting legal action could result in a financial award and other damages.

Cycling Injuries
Shoulder Injuries From Bike Riding
Shoulder Injuries From Bike Riding

The safety of occupants in semi trucks is a serious concern. Commercial truck drivers are subject to strict federal and state safety rules. However, accidents caused by large commercial vehicles continue to rise. The number and severity of semi-truck-related accidents in Texas reached 452 in 2019- an increase of more than 55% over the previous year. This increase could be to blame for the high number of accidents involving large commercial vehicles. Drivers should remember that safety devices for occupants could help to prevent injuries and deaths.

Injuries In Biking

Many of these accidents are caused by semi-truck drivers who are reckless and do not follow the rules of the road. Fatigued driving was the second-leading cause of fatal crashes among large truck drivers in 2017 according to the FMCSA. Drivers are accountable for their actions, regardless of the cause of the accident. They must follow the rules of road. The first step is to determine the extent of the driver's fault. Infractions to the rules of the road could result in criminal prosecution.

Injuries In Biking
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.