Cycling Accident

Most Common Cycling Injuries

While negligence of the driver may play a major role in a truck crash, the manufacturer might also be at fault. A lot of 18-wheeler accidents are the result of imperfections in the truck. The manufacturer could be held accountable. A skilled attorney for accidents involving 18-wheelers can look into the situation and bring experts to determine the fault. They could also prove that a driver's actions were not logical. A defective part of the truck could cause the deaths and injuries.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Oakland Cycling Accident Lawyers

Semi truck accidents involving car passengers are more serious than car accidents. Because of the size and weight of semi-trucks, they can hit other objects with extreme force, resulting in fatalities and injuries. Large trucks account for around seventy percent of fatal car accidents, however the majority of these accidents are the fault of the driver of the vehicle. Only about half of these accidents are caused by truck drivers.

Driving Directions


Cycling Concussion

Millions of accidents involving automobiles occur every year in the United States. These crashes cost the country billions of dollars. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the cost of vehicle accidents cost the country billions of dollars in medical expenses and lost productivity. While any accident with a vehicle could cost money and even death, truck accidents are one of the most devastating types of collisions. But why do truck accidents cause more deaths than other type of vehicle crash?

Cycling Concussion
Road Rash Bike

Road Rash Bike

Truck accidents that result from negligent or reckless driving are not uncommon. Truck drivers are often forced to sleep in secluded locations or to work under strict deadlines. Drivers of trucks may also be impaired by drugs or alcohol, or distracted by their phones. The negligence of trucking companies or driver actions could be the cause of the accident. If your accident was caused by negligence of the driver of the truck, it may be worthwhile to file a personal injury lawsuit against the trucking company.

Bay Area Bicycle Crash Lawyer

Semi-truck drivers are often blamed for accidents, in spite of the importance of road safety. The majority of these crashes result from passenger cars not prepared to share the road with big trucks. They have wider blind spots and require more room to turn and stop than passenger cars. They also have a lower reaction time than passenger vehicles, making it essential that drivers remain alert when around large trucks. Here are some suggestions to avoid getting into an accident with a semi-truck.

Bay Area Bicycle Crash Lawyer
Bicycle Injury
Bicycle Injury

In many cases the driver of the semi truck is the primary cause of accidents. Maryland law assumes that the driver of a semi-truck is responsible for an incident that occurs when a stopped vehicle is struck from behind. There are exceptions to this general rule. To establish liability, it is important to accurately document the crash. There are numerous other aspects to consider however this article will provide an overview of the most commonly occurring accidents involving large trucks.

Oakland Best Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you've ever been in the vicinity of the big rig, you're aware of the dangers of this vehicle to be around. Here are some tips for keeping yourself and other drivers safe from big rig accidents. Whether you're traveling on a highway or back roads, big trucks pose a risk to drivers and passengers in both vehicles. Listed below are some tips for drivers who regularly travel on highways and are susceptible to accidents.

Oakland Best Bicycle Accident Lawyer
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.