Oakland Bicycle Crash Lawyer

Traumatic Brain Injury Bicycle Accident

Large trucks require longer stopping distances than other vehicles. They require a longer stopping distance when they are full than passenger cars. On average, semi-trucks take about 40 percent more time to stop than cars. This is not good for the environment. Avoid being too close to large trucks when driving on the highway or parked. Apart from the issue of visibility, you must be wary of other cars.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Knee Injury From Bike Fall

Many accidents involving cars occur every year in the United States. These crashes cost the United States billions of dollars. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vehicle accidents cost the United States billions of dollars in medical expenses and lost productivity. While any accident with a vehicle is costly, truck accidents are one of the most devastating types of collisions. What is the reason why truck accidents cause more deaths than any other type of vehicle crash?

Driving Directions


Major Bike Accident Injuries

The size and weight of a large truck have significant impact on the kind of collision. A tractor-trailer or truck with a long open trailer and is standard and dangerous due to its excessive weight of more than ten thousand pounds. Private operators frequently operate flatbed trucks without the proper training. Most fatal truck accidents are caused by inattention by the driver as well as the nature of the cargo.

Major Bike Accident Injuries
Bay Area Lawyer For Bicycle Accident

Bay Area Lawyer For Bicycle Accident

Another cause of semi truck accidents is driver fatigue. Many truckers work for long hours and are often drunk. This can cause the possibility of a semi-truck crash more severe. The drivers might not be aware that they are exhausted and incapable of focusing on the road. This is why the truck hits the rear of the car. The force of the collision is so great that the vehicle is not designed to take the force. Children often end up in the back seat.

Hip Pain After Falling Off Bike

Semitruck accidents can happen at any time but they are more common on long-haul trips. In fact, 65 percent of fatal accidents involve truck drivers who travel more than 51 miles from their base. There are ways to avoid serious injuries caused by accidents. Start by educating your fellow drivers and you on the dangers of large trucks. To find out more about these dangerous accidents, you might need to read an instruction manual for safety. You may also be shocked by the number of injuries and deaths caused by semi-truck accidents.

Hip Pain After Falling Off Bike
Cycling Crash Injuries
Cycling Crash Injuries

A variety of other reasons for crashes involving trucks include driver negligence. Inattention can cause an accident when the driver isn't taking into account for the weight and size of semi-trucks. Rollovers are the most common cause of trucker deaths on the road. A truck driver who isn't able to examine the vehicle properly can cause a crash by ignoring dangerous conditions like worn treads on tires. This could lead to a rollover that can result in multiple vehicles being involved.

Shoulder Pain After Bike Accident

If you're driving a semi truck and you're accountable for the safety of the other drivers. Even the smallest mistake can result in a devastating accident, and you're accountable for ensuring that your vehicle is secure and operating correctly. Below are a few guidelines to remember before you hit the road in your semi-truck. Find out more about how a semi truck accident can affect the lives of other drivers. These tips will allow you to be ready for your next trip.

Shoulder Pain After Bike Accident
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.