Oakland Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Oakland Cycling Lawyer

Semi truck accidents account for about 11% of traffic fatalities. While cars with passengers are at higher risk of fatalities in such accidents, truck drivers are equally deadly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, trucks with a gross vehicle weight of greater than ten thousand pounds have been involved in more than 50% of all traffic accidents. The back of a semi-truck is where the mortality rate rises.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Oakland Bike Accident Lawyer Near Me

The size of a semi-truck can be another factor to keep in mind. Semi-trucks aren't easy to maneuver and could be mistaken for other vehicles. They might think that it's making a left-hand turn, but in reality, it's taking a right turn. The size of a truck could be more than double that of a typical passenger car, and the truck can be almost triple the height of a car.

Driving Directions


Wrist Pain After Falling Off Bike

It is difficult to determine exactly the reason why a truck driver might have become fatigued. It can be difficult to prove that someone was driving under the impaired, fatigue could be a factor in the crash of a truck driver. An attorney will be in a position to determine the reasons for the driver's fatigue, such as whether they were adhering to the proper hours of service requirements. Many modern trucks have built-in systems that monitor driver fatigue. Other states prohibit drivers from driving after a specific limit.

Wrist Pain After Falling Off Bike
Bike Injury

Bike Injury

Each year thousands of people are killed in 18-wheeler and large-sized truck accidents. These fatalities are mostly caused by human mistakes. However trucking companies and their drivers can make costly errors which can result in deaths. Trucking companies can reduce the risk of accidents and ensure the safety of the public by not making the same mistakes that are common. Find out more about these common mistakes and ways to avoid them. After all, truck safety is a shared responsibility.

Cycling Injuries

Logbooks for drivers' and on-board data recorders can be altered. Logbooks are maintained by truck drivers and record the hours a driver works and whether he or she observes the mandatory rest time. Trucking companies routinely alter and manipulate logbooks to safeguard themselves in the event of an accident. A violation of these regulations could lead to the emergence of negligence and liable parties. The driver's logbook should also be examined by an independent brake inspector.

Cycling Injuries
Shoulder Injuries From Bike Riding
Shoulder Injuries From Bike Riding

Accidents involving trucks are usually caused by fatigued drivers. A tired truck driver to make poor decisions such as speeding, tailgating, or making poor decisions. The human brain is also more prone to errors when we are tired and this is especially applicable to truck drivers. Because truckers are required to be on the road for long periods of time and feel under pressure to deliver goods in time, but drowsy driving could cause an accident.

Injuries In Biking

The scene of the accident is crucial to establish the cause of the accident. Photographs of the crash site are essential to document the accident and establish the extent of damages. Photographs of the scene must focus on the tractor trailer's final resting spot as well as any skid marks as well as any other debris from the semi truck wreck. These details will enable an attorney to show that all elements of the crash occurred at the time that the accident took place. To shift blame to the victims or third parties the defense may employ an accident reconstruction expert. The lawyer should try to preserve the scene as much as is feasible to stop this tactic.

Injuries In Biking
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.