Oakland Bicycle Accident Law Firm

Head Injuries From Cycling

Drivers shouldn't pass an 18-wheeler or tailgate it. Truckers who don't see you may jackknife you or hit you. It is recommended to merge into traffic if you encounter an 18-wheeler. Accidents can happen, even with the best-planned routes.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Common Cycling Injuries

The drivers of trucks must be aware that they are legally bound by a obligation to protect other motorists on the road as well as the public. Drivers of trucks who fail to perform this duty are considered negligent. One mistake could put someone else's life in danger. A large truck can cause a lot of damage regardless of whether or not the trucker was negligent. If the truck is full, the driver is more at risk of causing a wreck and the damage is exacerbated.

Driving Directions


Bay Area Bicycle Accidents Lawyer

Drivers of large trucks are at a higher risk of collisions than other vehicle drivers. In addition to the physical dangers, such as driving at a high speed, being drowsy impairs judgment and slows reaction times, making them at a higher chance of being involved in collisions. Semi trucks that run amok could cause serious injury or even death to other drivers. Truck drivers must adhere to certain rules and regulations when operating trucks.

Bay Area Bicycle Accidents Lawyer
Oakland Cycling Accident Lawyers

Oakland Cycling Accident Lawyers

Recent research has proven that the combination of defective brakes and a necessary stopping distance can result in fatal accidents. More than half of the fatalities resulting from semi-truck collisions involved the occupants of passenger vehicles. Other road users are as well at risk. A lack of brakes or inadequate stopping distances can be just as dangerous as the vehicle occupants. However, truck passengers and drivers are required to wear seatbelts regardless of the risk.

Bay Area Cycling Lawyer

A semi truck is an enormous commercial vehicle that is used to transport goods. The driver could not be aware of the risks that go along with it. The driver might be in a rush to meet a deadline, and the company's reward system will incentivize the driver to achieve that deadline, by breaking safety rules. Semi truck drivers might speed up or drive without stopping, putting pedestrians and other drivers at risk. Commercial truck drivers can use stimulants to prolong their working hours. This can disguise symptoms of sleep deprivation. Driving drunk can be equally risky.

Bay Area Cycling Lawyer
Shoulder Injury From Bike Fall
Shoulder Injury From Bike Fall

Fatal semi truck accidents have many causes. The driver is at fault for speeding, being distracted, and not checking his rig regularly enough to avoid an accident. If the semi truck is mechanically defective the driver could be partially to blame. The driver could also be responsible in the event that the semi-truck is overweight. The trucking company could be accountable for the incident. A skilled attorney experienced in truck accidents will investigate the crash to determine whether the trucking company may be held responsible. Lawyers will also negotiate with insurance companies for victims.

Whiplash Bike Accident

Semi-truck accidents account for 11% of all traffic deaths. Truck drivers are just as dangerous as cars, but they are more vulnerable than passengers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, trucks with a weight of more than ten thousand pounds are involved almost half of all traffic accidents. The back of a semi-truck is where the fatality rate is higher.

Whiplash Bike Accident
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.