Oakland Bicycle Lawyer

Concussion From Falling Off Bike

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 450,000 accidents that involve large trucks happen in the U.S. each year. Around 5,000 people are killed in these accidents. Another 140,000 people sustain serious injuries as a result of semi truck accidents. Seventy-four per cent of fatalities in large truck accidents involve people in passenger vehicles. Semi-truck accidents can result in serious injuries for passengers of the vehicle as well as other road users.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Bay Area Bicycle Accident Attorneys

An attorney for truck accidents will conduct an investigation into the accident and collect all required documentation to prove your losses. They will also help you identify any potential responsible parties. They will also file extensive insurance claims on your behalf. A lawyer can present your case in court and request compensation for all the damages suffered from an accident with a truck. If you have a case where negligence is at the forefront the lawyer could represent you.

Driving Directions


Bay Area Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Millions of accidents involving automobiles occur each year in the United States. These crashes cost the nation billions of dollars. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that car accidents cause billions of dollars in medical costs and lost productivity. While any car accident can be costly and even death, truck accidents are one of the most devastating kinds of collisions. Why do truck accidents kill more people than any other type of vehicle crash?

Bay Area Bicycle Accident Lawyer
Bicycle Fall Injuries

Bicycle Fall Injuries

Accidents that involve trucks caused by negligent or reckless driving are common. Truck drivers often have to sleep in unfamiliar locations or work within strict deadlines. They may also be impaired by alcohol or drugs, or may be distracted by their mobile phones. Inattention by trucking companies or driver actions may be a contributing factor. It may be worthwhile to bring a personal injury lawsuit against the trucking company if your accident was caused due to the negligence of a truck driver.

Oakland Bicycle Accidents Lawyer

An 18-wheeler's engines are six times more powerful than the car's engines, which allows them to travel up eight thousand miles further than the average car. These engines enable semi-trailers to endure harsh terrain and damage and wear for lengthy periods of time. The combined length and width of an 18-wheeler is approximately eighty feet when the cart is attached to it. It can weigh in excess of eighty thousand pounds when loaded. It can take up to eight hours to move from one side to the next.

Oakland Bicycle Accidents Lawyer
Head Injuries From Bicycle Accidents
Head Injuries From Bicycle Accidents

The size and weight of a large truck can have significant impact on the type of collision. While a tractor-trailer can be described as an ordinary truck with a long, open trailer, it could be dangerous due to its weight of more than 10000 pounds. Flatbed trucks are usually operated by private operators who are not adequately trained. Most fatal truck accidents are caused by negligence by the driver and the nature of the cargo.

Oakland Bicycle Injury Attorneys

Accidents that happen on the road may be caused by driver error but the manufacturer may also be responsible. Many accidents involving 18 wheelers are caused by vehicle defects and the company that made the truck could be held responsible. A skilled attorney for accidents involving 18-wheelers will investigate the incident and bring experts to determine who is at fault. They can also show that the driver's actions were unreasonable. These injuries and deaths can result from defective truck parts.

Oakland Bicycle Injury Attorneys
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.