Bay Area Bicycle Crash Lawyer

Oakland Bike Accident Attorneys

In a study that was conducted recently, researchers found that the amount of deaths caused by large truck accidents was lower than in previous years. The number of deaths among truck occupants fell from 916 deaths per 81,330 truck miles to 683 per 297,593 truck miles. Most truck accidents result from the collision of a huge truck with another vehicle. Many victims suffer serious property damage, as well as fatal injuries.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Falling Off Bike Knee Injury

The majority of truck accidents are the result of driver error. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Driver error accounts for around 88% of all vehicle accidents. Other causes for truck accidents include speeding, failing to check blind spots, and fatigue. Truck accidents can be caused by driver negligence in addition to other factors such as fatigue, work pressure, and fatigue. As an alternative, the majority of accidents happen on expressways as well as highways.

Driving Directions


Oakland Bicycle Lawyer

Semi truck accidents can also be caused by inattention and carelessness. Truck driver was distracted by radio or simply distracted. The majority of accidents involving semi-truck result in collisions with vehicles in transit. This could include backing accidents. Other contributing factors are driver fatigue and the use of drugs. Drivers who aren't experienced may also be under the influence. They can also increase the likelihood of big truck accidents. Following a semi-truck accident it is important to take precautions to safeguard your family.

Oakland Bicycle Lawyer
Oakland Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

Oakland Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

Semitruck accidents may be caused by numerous factors but the most prevalent reason is driver error. 88% of accidents involving trucks are caused by driver error. Speeding, ignoring blind spots and driver complications are all factors that can cause an accident. These are the most frequent causes for truck crashes. To find out more about these causes, read on!

Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys

Statistics show that each year, thousands of people are killed in truck collisions. These victims are often passengers and drivers of passenger cars that were not designed to collision with trucks. A statistical analysis has revealed that around 5,000 people die in truck crashes, and around seven hundred people die in semi-truck accidents. The majority of fatal crashes involve semi-trucks pulling a single trailer. Only 4 percent are multi-trailer cars.

Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys
Head Injuries From Bike Accidents
Head Injuries From Bike Accidents

Despite the importance of road safety semi-truck drivers are often blamed for accidents. Most of these accidents are caused by passenger cars not being ready to share the road and large trucks. These vehicles have larger blind spots and require more space to turn and stop than passenger cars. These vehicles also have slower reaction times than passenger cars. It is vital that drivers are alert when driving around large trucks. Here are some suggestions to avoid accidents with semi trucks.

Oakland Cycling Injury Lawyers

Using proper road space is crucial to avoid collisions with semi-trucks. Truckers require extra time and space in order to react quickly to sudden movements or changes in road conditions. This could result in serious injuries for both drivers. It's essential to give plenty of space when merging onto the road, however trucks need more space and time to stop. If you're not paying attention, you'll end up in a head-on collision with semi-trucks.

Oakland Cycling Injury Lawyers
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.