Injuries In Biking

Leg Injury In Bike Accident

In many instances trucking companies lease a portion of their operations to third-party vendors. These third-party suppliers could be accountable for hiring drivers, background screening, drug tests, and other crucial processes. Several truck parts, including the steering system, are under the control of truck manufacturers. The risk of accidents is increased if any of these components fail. You should contact the truck manufacturer should you suspect that your steering system may be defective.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Fall From Bike Knee Injury

The data shows that every year thousands of people die in collisions involving trucks. They are usually passengers or drivers of passenger vehicles that were not designed to meet with trucks. An analysis of statistics shows that around 5,000 people die in truck accidents, whereas about seven hundred die in semi-truck-related accidents. Most fatal accidents involve semi-trucks pulling just one trailer. Only four percent involve multi-trailer vehicles.

Driving Directions


Stationary Bike With Sprained Ankle

The tire tread is a key aspect to remember when driving a semi-truck. This component of the truck can take much wear and the load of its cargo could make it vulnerable to blowing out. To avoid a rear-end collision be sure to keep the distance between 5 and 6 seconds. If you can see a big truck coming towards you too closely, give it enough space to be able to pass.

Stationary Bike With Sprained Ankle
Oakland Bike Wreck Lawyer

Oakland Bike Wreck Lawyer

No matter what level of experience a driver has, all drivers share the responsibility of avoiding accidents. Speeding and fatigue of drivers are among the most significant factors that cause fatal truck accidents. Drivers of trucks also often display reckless behavior and fail to maintain the safe speed of the rig. This is especially dangerous because they are at greater risk of colliding vehicles, structures, or even wildlife. Drivers need to take extra precautions to prevent collisions and keep their vehicles in good shape.

Bike Leg Injury

Recent research has proven that the combination of bad brakes with a required stopping distance can cause fatal accidents. Semi-truck accidents resulted in more than half of the deaths of passengers in passenger vehicles. Other road users are equally at risk. This means that brakes that are not working properly and the necessary stopping distance are equally risky, if perhaps more so. However truck passengers and drivers are required to wear seatbelts regardless of the danger.

Bike Leg Injury
Oakland Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Oakland Bicycle Accident Attorneys

No matter the cause of the accident, a knowledgeable truck accident attorney can help you recover all compensation. These lawyers will work on your behalf to obtain compensation from various sources, including trucking companies and third parties involved in the crash. In most cases, cases where both parties are accountable are of no value and denials from both the trucking company and the insurance carrier can put the final settlement at risk. Your lawyer should be able to get evidence of the incident and negotiate with insurance companies in order to reach an equitable settlement.

Bay Area Bike Injury Lawyer

The trucks that weigh thirty times the weight of a typical car are more likely to be involved in accidents. They are slower to stop than a standard car. Even if the truck driver's brakes do not stop on time, the collision can cause serious injuries. Fortunately, most accidents involving the tractor-trailer's occupants are those of other vehicles. They're also more elevated off the roadway than most vehicles, which makes them more likely to hit vulnerable areas of the road.

Bay Area Bike Injury Lawyer
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.