Oakland Cycling Injury Lawyers

Bay Area Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

It can be difficult to determine the exact reason truck drivers become tired. It is often difficult to prove that a person was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs however, fatigue could be an element in a crash. An attorney can look into the reasons for the driver's fatigue and determine if they were adhering to the requirements for hours of service. A lot of newer vehicles have built-in systems that monitor driver fatigue. Others do not allow drivers to drive after the limit has been reached.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Abdominal Pain After Bike Accident

Semi truck accidents are devastating for both the parties involved However, you can take steps to minimize your liability. You must ensure that the other driver is at fault for the accident and, if the other driver failed to check his or her blind spots before the collision, you can make them accountable for the damages. Listed below are a few things you can do immediately following a semi-truck crash to minimize your liability. Check out these tips and strategies to help you get the compensation you're due.

Driving Directions


Biking Injuries

Large trucks are huge and weigh much more than passenger vehicles. The average semi truck weighs between an 80,000-30,000 pound. When compared to these two cars, a person weighs between three and six thousand pounds. A semi truck is approximately twice the size of a smaller car, and triple its height. Drivers can also be distracted or recklessly driving. A lawyer for truck accidents can assist victims in obtaining compensation for their losses. A semi truck can cause a collision due to a variety of reasons.

Biking Injuries
Oakland Bicycle Accident Law Firm

Oakland Bicycle Accident Law Firm

In a recent study researchers discovered that the number of deaths resulting from large truck accidents was less than in previous years. The number of deaths among truck drivers decreased from 916 per 81330 truck miles to 683 for 297,593 truck miles. In most cases the death toll of big truck accidents is due to the collision with another vehicle while transporting. Many victims suffer serious property damage as well as fatal injuries.

Oakland Bike Accident Attorney Near Me

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), in a study, discovered that truck driver fatigue was the cause of approximately 30 percent of fatal and serious truck accidents. The study examined 182 driver-involved crashes. The NTSB examined factors like the length of driving time, the type of crash and time of day. The study also showed that fatigued drivers of trucks were a major cause of accidents caused by heavy trucks. This is an important fact.

Oakland Bike Accident Attorney Near Me
Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys
Bay Area Bike Accident Attorneys

Accidents involving trucks are fairly common. Fatalities can be due to many factors. Accidents involving semi trucks can result in internal organ damage, trauma to the brain injury, and many more. Broken bones are among the most serious injuries that can lead to weeks or months of disability. An experienced Fort Worth accident lawyer can assist you in exploring your legal options when you or someone you love suffered injuries in a truck accident. You may be eligible for compensation if the trucking company or driver was responsible for the accident.

Falling Off Bike Knee Injury

There are many elements which can trigger an accident between a big-rig truck and another vehicle. Big rig crashes tend to result in serious injuries or even death for all those involved. Passenger vehicles are less likely than pedestrians or cyclists to sustain serious injuries. Los Angeles truck accident lawyer can assist you in holding the negligent party responsible in such instances.

Falling Off Bike Knee Injury
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.