Cycling Concussion

Head Injuries From Cycling

Semi-truck accidents can be devastating to both parties involved however, you can take steps to minimize your liability. You need to make sure the other driver is at fault for the crash and if the other driver didn't check his or her blind spots before the collision, you could hold him or her accountable for the damages. Here are some steps you can do right away after a semi-truck collision to reduce your liability. Check out these ideas and strategies to ensure to get the compensation you deserve.

Big Rig Truck Accidents

Whiplash Bike Accident

Accidents involving trucks are usually caused by distracted driving. Truck drivers are not allowed to drive for longer than eight hours at a stretch. They are required to take breaks between shifts in order to check the truck's safety systems and complete maintenance records and ensure they are not impaired by alcohol. Truckers who are distracted by their truckers can cause serious accidents. Driver distractions can lead to thousands of dollars in property damage and numerous deaths. Truck drivers are often required to travel long distances, and are often under tremendous pressure to deliver their goods on time. Drivers of trucks are more prone to road rage and negligence.

Driving Directions


Oakland Cycling Accident Lawyers

There are a myriad of factors which can trigger an accident between a big-rig truck and another vehicle. Big rig crashes tend to cause serious injuries or death for all parties involved. Passenger vehicles are less likely than pedestrians or cyclists to sustain serious injuries. In these instances it is recommended to contact an Los Angeles truck accident attorney who can help you hold the negligent party accountable.

Oakland Cycling Accident Lawyers
Common Cycling Injuries

Common Cycling Injuries

Commercial trucks are also susceptible to side collisions, called broadside and T-bone collisions. The result of these collisions is usually the collision of a car that is under the weight of a semi-truck. A collision involving an underride can happen because the driver of the smaller vehicle was distracted or was trying to beat the red light. Truck drivers cannot be at a high speed at intersections like car crashes. This makes this kind of accident the most severe.

Most Common Cycling Injuries

Researchers found that large truck accidents are not causing as many deaths than in the past. The number of deaths among truck passengers decreased from 916 per 81,330 truck miles to 683 for 297,593 truck miles. Most truck accidents result from the collision of a huge truck with a vehicle. Apart from fatal injuries, many victims also suffer severe property damage.

Most Common Cycling Injuries
Road Rash Bike
Road Rash Bike

Large trucks are huge and weigh much more than passenger vehicles. The average semi truck weighs between the 30,000 and 80,000 pounds. A passenger car however weighs anywhere from three to six thousand pounds. Semi trucks are roughly three times the height of smaller cars. Drivers are also prone to distraction or reckless when driving. A lawyer for truck accidents can help victims obtain compensation for their loss. There are a variety of reasons why a semi truck may cause collisions.

Bicycle Injury

Truck accidents are very common. Fatalities can occur due to many factors. Injuries from collisions with semi-trucks can result in internal organ damage, traumatic brain injuries, and more. Broken bones are among the most serious injuries and could result in months or even years of disability. A skilled Fort Worth accident lawyer can assist you in evaluating your legal options when you or someone you love suffered injuries in a truck crash. You may be eligible for compensation when the trucking company or driver caused the accident.

Bicycle Injury
  •  Wait on the  Cops to  Show up.
  •  Never ever Negotiate with the  Driver.
  •  Get Driver  Details
  •  Acquire Witness Contact  Info.
  • Document What  Occurred
  • Make Sure the Police Take Your Report.
  •  Look For Immediate Medical Attention and Document Your Injuries.
  • Preserve Evidence.