Structural Steel

Cnc Beam Drill Line Equation

It is no good having a CNC drilling machine if it doesn’t enable a fabricator compete at the top of the steel fabrication field. Advantage-2 allows you to process technical programmes with speed and intelligence. Each drilling axis includes three five-station tool changers. Each can drill, countersink and tap as well. Signomat underside scribers or part stamping units are also possible to be fitted to this drill-line. Part information is kept even after blasting, painting and galvanizing. Minimizing shop errors? Check. Advantage-2 drills more aggressively and produces more holes than any other line of drilling. High torque drilling axes have thicker, more aggressive cuts that extract more chips with each turn. This drill line can eat through beams as well channel, angle and tube. Advantage-2 is able to process any profile up to 44 inches wide x 18 inches tall.

Auto Standoff - This is a surface standoff, and should not be confused in any way with vector standoff using 5-axis mode. Auto stand-off will adjust vertically according to the angle of "A" Axis. There are five (5) axis that are considered during calculations. The machine can be controlled manually using buttons on its screen to make the vector standoff change.

Voortman's Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software is a revolutionary tool that allows users to program CNC faster and more accurately. You can view, modify and export parts information right from the 3D platform. This technology is combined with Voortman CNC technology gives fabricators maximum productivity.

At GSS Machinery we are committed to providing you as many options as possible with regard to drilling with your CNC Drill Line or any other CNC Beam Drill Line.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Equation
Cnc Beam Drill Line Manual

Cnc Beam Drill Line Manual

The CNC Drill Line works very well and Avenger operators were often the ones doing the layout. It is not necessary to have any computer knowledge. Full training is given at the time the installation is completed.

Project completion times are greatly reduced when you can mill. Combining Advantage-2's user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software, the operator can quickly program parts. You can view, modify, export and export parts information right from the 3D platform. Advantage-2 drills have many advantages, including the ability to scribe and mill slots and large lifting holes. This really sets the machine apart. We can use the scribing to create piece marks, layout lines and center points. That flexibility to use it when and how we choose has been amazing.


The CNC Drill Line is built exclusively for GSS Machinery by Voortman. Voortman handles the installation, warranty and service work on the CNC Drill Line. And while Voortman is the service provider, GSS Machinery is always there to get involved should the need arise.

GSS Machinery's magnetic brush helps to remove chips and sweep chips off the floor with its broom.


Cnc Beam Drill Line Extension

Peddimat has a simple, intuitive interface that is easy to understand.

Voortman's 24-hour tech support can resolve 90%, but there is an extensive network of 50+ Voortman service personnel who are stationed in North and South America as well as Europe, Africa and Asia.

Can you drill through a ridge beam

Programming the CNC Drill Line, even for operators without any previous computer or CNC experience is straightforward and intuitive.

Voortman is the man behind today's CNC beam drilling line standard. He has used time-tested technology. Advantage-2 processes 150 tonnes of steel per week on average. It is the most efficient way to drill, mill, tap, and countersink.


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Cnc Beam Drill Line Safety Factor

CNC Drill Lines can be used to drill holes in any type of material. CNC Drill Line was built to be universally used and therefore only utilizes components from top manufacturers. Many of these components can be obtained locally. Voortman always has spare parts available for next-day delivery within the USA. We offer support and local service in many of our overseas destinations.

GSS Machinery’s magnetic brush and broom help with the removal of chips from the machine and for sweeping up chips from the floor

Frequently Asked Questions

STRENGTH. Steel is harder than aluminum, despite being more susceptible to corrosion. Although aluminum has a higher strength in colder climates, it is more susceptible to scratches and dents than steel. Steel is less susceptible to warping or bending due to heat, weight, force or heat.

Never drill a hole less than 1' from the floor joist or beam end. Also, avoid drilling within 1 foot of the beam's top on a post or support column. 2. The 1/3/3 rule applies to overhead spans.

H-Beams. H-beams is one of the strongest steel beams. It is composed of horizontal elements and the vertical beams act like the web.

The beam will fail at its bottom if the cantilever beam material has lower compressive yield strengths than the tensile yield strengths. The beam may also fail if its tensile yield strength falls below the required level.

The STANDARD SIZE OF BEAMS A residential building has a minimum of 9 x 12 x 300 mm or 225mm x 300mm. This is according to (IS codes). Minimum RCC beam size should not exceed 9 x 9 or 225 x 225mm, with an additional 125mm slab thickness.