
Cnc Beam Drill Line Hotel

Programming of the CNC Drill Line is very simple even when done manually. The machine programming software is Peddimat and most operators can learn how to program most parts in less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. However the best way to program the machine is to import parts directly from a CAD drawing preferably done in some 3-D modeling software such as Tekla Structures, SDS/2, ProSteel 3D, StruMis etc. These files import directly into the machine and the operator merely selects the part to be processed and hits the Cycle Start button.

Importing files directly from steel detailing software is preferable. This eliminates the need for additional steps and eliminates any potential errors in data capture. In this regard, there are two distinct groups:

The MultMaster works as an extension of the Roller Feed measurement system in order to perform cuts which may otherwise require manual positioning for programs with many small pieces. This accessory allows fast and simple material processing on a Voortman drill and saw tandem system by automating the processing of short remnant sections.

Voortman makes machines for GSS Machinery in order to meet our exact specifications. GSS Machinery targets small- to medium-sized fabricators, while Voortman targets larger fabricators. Voortman has been designing machines for GSS Machinery since more than 10 years. GSS Machinery is Voortman's largest customer globally.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Hotel


We have installed more than a thousand CNC Drill Line and angle lines throughout the world and we have found that the average operator, who has never before programmed a machine before, can become efficient on the machine in less than 1/2 day.

Advantage-2 utilizes a number of support clamps to maintain the maximum rigidity of the workpiece. Carbide tools last longer if there is as little vibration as possible.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Spooler

The Advantage-2 is powered with 25 HP (18.5kW), Siemens spindle motors. Each drill spindle has 5-station tool changers. This advanced drilling technology ensures maximum operating time, drill hole quality and efficiency.

"..We have drilled approximately 25,000 hole since we purchased our CNC Drill Line just four months ago. It used take us about 5 minutes each to drill and lay out each hole. It now takes us around. 30 seconds per hole... an 1875 man hour savings in four months. That is $84,375 at our shop. As you can see, this machine will be fully paid off in less then one year. It is not only faster than our production, but it also allows us to free up floor space for other jobs.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Spooler

N Size Drill

Voortman exclusively designed and built the CNC Drill Line to fit GSS Machinery. Voortman oversees all aspects of the CNC Drill Line, including warranty and service. Voortman acts as the service provider. GSS Machinery will always assist should the need arise.

The ability to mill quickly speeds up project completion. With the Advantage-2 user-friendly Raptor 3DCAD/CAM program, it is possible to quickly program parts. Directly access the 3D platform to view, modify and export information. Advantage-2 drills are known for their scribing capabilities, the ability of milling slots and large lifting holes, and they also have the ability to trace. This is what really sets this machine apart. You can create layout lines, piece marks, and central points with the scribing. This flexibility has allowed us to use the scribing when we need it and make our own decisions.

Cnc Beam Drill Line For Sale

The programming of the CNC Drill Line can be done intuitively even by operators who have never used a computer or CNC.

These drop-in stainless grippers allow you to secure base plates or flat bars, angle, or other profiles that might have rounded edges and want to push away the datum line.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Spooler

Check our other pages :

What is L and T-beam

Z-Reader Probe-The Z-Reader Probe is a device that maps the location of the surface. It can be programmed or manually controlled. It can be disabled while cutting, and it can be pulled out of harm's reach. It can be activated to verify the surface at each pierce prior to cutting, or to drive surface mapping for the entire part before cutting begins. It is used to initialize or zero the device to the desired surface and then tracks or accumulates the difference between that zeroing effort.

Voortman built the CNC Drill Line only for GSS Machinery. Voortman manages the installation, warranty, service and maintenance of the CNC Drill Line. Voortman is the service provider. GSS Machinery is available to help if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Although c-channel can be a little more expensive than angle iron, it is much more durable in most cases. C-channel is preferred for projects that can be done without major engineering or expense.

Beams are designed to allow vertical deflections of no more than 1/180 (or 0.55%) of the horizontal beam length measured at the ends of beams.

Direct push technology is often called DPT. It uses the static weight combined with a hydraulic wrench to advance instrumentation or tooling through the subsurface. The drill cuttings cannot be removed from the hole unlike rotary.

The new LD50 formula ( LD50 = ED50 3 x Wm x 10-4) yielded value (0.29 mg/kg), which is comparable to the reported value (0.32mg/kg).

Beam can support strain and pressure, while bars can maintain pressure (intended to take pressure). The Rods/Bars refer to any part that is exposed to the hub (Tensile/Compressive but no Transverse/Torsional load) Loads, as it were.