Drilling Capacity

Cnc Beam Drill Line Flow

We have seen more than 1000 CNC Drill Lines, and angle lines installed all over the world. We found that the average operator can program a machine in half the time, even if they have never programmed one before.

We have been developing solutions and machines for steel fabricators over 50 years. As a solution to decreasing labor supply and rising labor costs, we are focusing on automation. Our goal is to reduce production costs and increase profit margins. Voortman CNC Beam Drilling lines can provide the best in productivity, accuracy, and reliability. Our CNC Beam Drill Lines incorporate many functions, such as drilling and milling, marking and countersinking. They also allow for thread-tapping and other tasks to improve productivity and optimize workflow. Voortman provides a comprehensive range of Beam Drill Lines for all types of production.

Cnc Beam Drill Line Flow

Although 90% of support issues can be resolved by Voortman’ 24 Hour Tech Support center, an expansive network of 50+ Voortman field service personnel are stationed throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Australia/New Zealand.

GSS Machinery's magnetic brush, broom and magnet brush help to remove chips from machines and sweep up chips on the floor.



Programming the CNC Drill Line is simple, even when done manually. Peddimat is the machine programming program and most operators can learn to program most parts in less that an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. But, the best way is to program the machine directly from a 3D CAD drawing. This should be done in software such as StruMis, ProSteel 3D and SDS/2. These files can be imported directly to the machine. After selecting the part to process, the operator clicks on the Cycle Start Button.

Voortman created Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software. It allows users to program faster and with greater accuracy. The 3D platform lets you inspect, modify, export and export information directly. This combined with Voortman CNC technology allows for maximum fabrication capacity.

I Beam Drill Bit

Yes. We have many CNC Drill Line installations outside. However suitable weather protection must be provided to the control panel and moving mobile platform. Please feel free to contact us to see photos from many of our outside installations.

We believe that, based on current pricing, the customer is better served with good quality Ocean Penetrator Twist Drill Bits and a good sharpener.

I Beam Drill Bit


Voortman proudly offers technical support 24 hours a day to its global clients. Voortman’s inside service staff have years-long experience in the field or assembly. They also have hands-on knowledge with many machines. Voortman's service personnel are always available to help you with any question that might arise.

Z-Reader Probe – The Z-Reader is a device for mapping the location of the surface. It can be controlled manually & programmatically. The option is NOT active while cutting & is retracted out of harm’s way. It can be triggered to verify the surface at every pierce before the cutting process starts, or it could be used to drive surface mapping of the whole part before cutting starts. It begins with initialization or zeroing of the device to the surface at the beginning of a program and then accumulates or tracks the difference from that zeroing effort.

Drill Machine

CNC Drill Line is able to import DXF files. It can then use these files to create 3-D shapes, provided that the steel has been detailed according to certain rules. These rules may not be applicable to your current detailing and might need some adjustments. This process is not as smooth as the 3-D modeling software.

Renishaw 5-Axis Calibration - This calibration unit is a Renishaw model APCA45, with a modified spherical tip. To remove dust and debris during activation, the device comes with a retractable cover. It attaches to a swing arm that is controlled by a pneumatic motor. This allows it to be out of the way during normal operation, and then swings into the calibration position.

I Beam Drill Bit

Check our other pages :

Are shorter beams stronger

Beam drills are crucial tools in medium-sized and large-sized structural fabricating shops. Beam drilling machines drill holes accurately in a variety steel profiles at different lengths. These machines are able to automatically draw the lines and create the hole manually using a punch, mag drill, or plasma. This time-consuming process can take weeks, and many people are needed to complete the task. A beam drillline eliminates manual layouts and the associated errors.

GSS Machinery offers a variety of drilling options to drill with your CNC Drill Line.

Frequently Asked Questions

The failure of beams can be caused by either flexure, shear, or torsion when the failure modes exceed the design loads. The type of load that the beam can sustain and the time it reaches the factored load will determine if there is a chance of structural failure.

H-Beams H-Beams. H-beams are one of the strongest steel beams. It is composed of horizontal elements and the vertical beams act like the web. Popular in civil engineering and construction, the web and flanges create a cross section that is similar to the shape of the letter H.

The H beam's cross section is more robust than that of the I beam. This means it can support a heavier load. The cross section of the H beam, on the other hand, can only bear direct load and tensile. However, it cannot resist twisting due to its narrow cross section. It can only bear force in one direction.

Manufacturers limit beams to 60 feet due to transport issues. Others can make beams up to 80 feet long. The longest supported span using LVL is 80 feet. It is normal for continuous LVL spans to be between 20'-30'.

Because of their small cross-section area (known by the web), I beams require minimal material. However, they can still achieve the desired shape and function to carry out their load bearing duties. This design allows the I beam to bend under stress, rather than buckling.