Dual Brake Piston Compressor

Dual Cylinder Press Brake On

Our presses will streamline your work flow, increase production speeds and optimize energy consumption. They can also help reduce operating costs. Our press brakes come in 40- to 2000-ton capacities. They have between 3 and 11, with tool layout and collision check.

Our manual control brakes are ideal for jobs or industries that don’t require precise and detailed CNC controls. Manual press brakes come with all the same safety features that CNC models have. These powerful machines are easy to start and great for more simple jobs. They have a front-operated ram adjust and power back-gauge with digital readouts. Both can also be fine adjusted by handwheels. Our models range in weight from 22 tons to 425 tons.

The next step is to determine the characteristics that will be used to calculate the part bend. For example:

Bottom bending is when the punch curves the sheet of metal with a higher force than air bending. This reduces, or even eliminates, the spring back effect that is commonly associated with airbending. Cold forging is then performed at the bottom.

Dual Brake Piston Compressor

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hook

For high performance and low cost, the PBF series CNC brake press line is designed. There are three models of our most popular brake press line available. Our Easy Bend CNC controller makes it easy for brake operators to control their brakes more effectively and efficiently than traditional brake presses. You can keep metal bending simple and affordable.

Our press brake models offer significant advantages over other models thanks to Standard Industrial’s reputation for reliability and repeatability.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hook
Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hydraulic Diagram

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hydraulic Diagram

You have a lot of options. Safety is our number one priority. This is why the AKASLC world class laser safety program is the most popular for press brakes. For combination machines, light curtain Sick C 4000 Additional axis: up to 14 Extended travel back gauge from 39 inches to 39 inches with safety lights curtain Sheet follower with motorized height adjustment. Delem (DA69T), Cybelec (13S,12S and 15S), or 3D with Cybelec (1200, PC1200). Quick release clamping. Hydraulic clamping. Wila and Wilson mechanical or hydrostatic clamping. Many tooling options. Bottom tool positioning systems and thickness measurement systems. Offline software for Profile W or V-Bend.

Standard press brakes have the reliability and dependability that your operation requires. A user-friendly interface and controls provide an unbeatable level of convenience. Our press brakes can handle many materials, including soft Brass, heat-treated Aluminum Alloys, stainless Steel, soft Aluminium, and chrome molybdenum.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Query

Our press brake machines have important advantages over other models, thanks to Standard Industrial's reputation of durability and repeatability.

Raw power, heavy-duty bending performance, and improved technology – all in a cost-efficient package.

Oil Tank
Oil Tank

Are you searching for the perfect balance of serious bending power with cost-efficient operation that doesn’t sacrifice quality and output?

Our Single Cylinder and Dual Cylinder Hydraulic Press Brakes are designed using the CNC technology system-the Computerized Numeric Control which is the latest technological advancement in Press Brake designs and utilizes a blast system that removes rust from the work-piece surface. Because it is run on Servo Electric systems, our range of advanced dual bending machines function purely electrically. They require no form of hydraulic oiling and energy consumption is minimal.

Hydraulic Press Brake

This revolutionary tool changer gives press brake operators real-time information to help them perform better.

Gulf States Saw & Machine. Co is a Member the American Welding Society (NOMMA) and the National Glass Association (NGA).

Frequently Asked Questions

A hydraulic press crushed a worker to death in an industrial accident. Two workers were placing materials under hydraulic presses. An online video of the incident shows this. While the victim was fixing the materials, the worker controlling the machine turned the engine on.

Hydraulic disc brakes have the advantage of self-adjusting as they wear down. The caliper's design will allow it to retract a predetermined distance from the rotor, regardless of how worn the pads are. This is amazing, and you don't need to adjust your brakes like with mechanical pads.

F1 brakes can be difficult because all of the driving force must be generated by the driver. There cannot be power assistance. The pedal acts almost as an on/off switch, and there is rarely any need to use gentle braking.

Hydraulic brake failures are most common due to either loss of hydraulic pressure, or brake fade on steep hills.

The CNC Press Brake is fast to set up and has a repeatability of +/–0.0004 inches. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to make parts.