G300 Pressure Brake Bleeder


Many fields use press brakes, including sheet metal work and production lines in sheet metal.

There are two ways press brakes can bend metal. The first is called bottom bending because the ram will press the metal to the bottom of the die. Bottom bending results in highly accurate bends and relies less on the press brake machine itself. The downside is each tool is they're made to create one specific bend, so you’ll need to purchase a new one for every angle you want to make. Air bending leaves an air pocket between the ram and the bottom of the die. This allows the operator to accommodate for any spring back the material might provide. These types of dies only need to be changed if the material’s thickness is too much. Air bending’s drawback is the accuracy of the angle is affected by the material’s thickness, so the ram needs to be changed out accordingly.

Intuitive operation, high productivity, heavy-duty bend performance, and high productivity all in one cost-effective package

These machines have industry-leading production capacities and are equipped with intuitive operator controls, which take the stress out for any operator.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake To

All of these outstanding machine capabilities are combined with industry-recognized service (we average 2 and 1/2 service technicians for every salesperson), a well-staffed emergency number, and a parts division that will blow you away. If your initial investment involves tooling up your presses brake, we also have that covered. We are Wila and Wilson certified tooling professionals with the tools that you need.

This unique technology makes it possible for press brake operators with all levels of skill to achieve efficient and quality results.

G300 Pressure Brake Bleeder
Dual Cylinder Press Brake To
Press Brake Tonnage

Press Brake Tonnage

Although there are many options available, this list is not exhaustive. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please ask. Safety is paramount. The AKASLC, a world-class laser safety device, is at the top of our options. It is considered to be one of the best presses brakes. Light curtain Sick C4000 for combination machines. Additional axis to accommodate upto 14. With safety light curtain, extended travel back gauge can reach 39 inches Motorized height adjustment on sheet follower. Delem's DA69T or Cybelec's (10S,12S.15S,15S,3D with PC1200) are the latest cnc control controllers. Quick release clamping. Positioning systems at the bottom, thickness measurement, offline software for ProfileW and V-Bend.

Gulf States Saw & Machine is the perfect choice for precise, detailed measurements and simple bends. Co offers two great choices for hydraulic presses brakes in different sizes at reasonable prices. To get a quote for a machine, please contact our team.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Kokomo

Add to that the incredible machine capabilities mentioned above, and you will be amazed at what we can do for you. If you are looking to upgrade your press brake or make an initial investment, we can help. We have the tools you need and are factory-trained Wilson and Wila tooling experts.

A motor in the device drives mechanical press brakes. The large flywheel spins at high speeds by the motor. The flywheel is controlled through a clutch by the operator. Once the clutch has been activated, the remaining parts are set into motion to bend and bend the metal. The mechanical press brake has an easier operation, thanks to its electronic components. Because of their mechanical design, they can handle tonnages up to three times greater than their inherent rating. However, mechanical press brakes are not able to be reversed. The ram inside the machine must complete the full cycle after it engages. This can cause safety issues if the operator is not careful and may also limit the machine's capabilities. If the ram travels far enough, the press brake can become locked.


There are also the BH series "hybrid", which proves once again that not all hybrid press braking systems are created equal. These machines are the third generation and feature a dual-drive design that combines hydraulic and electric bending. They offer superior productivity, precision and reliability and energy savings.

Made for high performance at a low price, our PBF value series CNC brake line press line is made. Three models are available from which to choose. Each brake press comes with our Easy Bend controller. It's easy to use in just 5 minutes. Maintaining metal bending at a simple price that you can afford.


This dual-drive hybrid makes it easy to manage any project. It has long-term, high-speed and energy-efficient operation.

Our manual control presses brakes can be used in jobs and industries that do not require precision or detail like CNC controls. While the manual press brakes feature the same safety features as the CNC models, they are still powerful and easy to use for simple jobs. These include a front-operated powerback-gauge and adjustable ram with digital readouts. There are also fine adjustment handwheels that allow for both. Our models are available in a range of weights, from 22 tons up to 440 tons.

Frequently Asked Questions

A hydraulic press crushed a worker to death in an industrial accident. Two workers were placing materials under hydraulic presses. An online video of the incident shows this. While the victim was fixing the materials, the worker controlling the machine turned the engine on.

Hydraulic disc brakes have the advantage of self-adjusting as they wear down. The caliper's design will allow it to retract a predetermined distance from the rotor, regardless of how worn the pads are. This is amazing, and you don't need to adjust your brakes like with mechanical pads.

F1 brakes can be difficult because all of the driving force must be generated by the driver. There cannot be power assistance. The pedal acts almost as an on/off switch, and there is rarely any need to use gentle braking.

Hydraulic brake failures are most common due to either loss of hydraulic pressure, or brake fade on steep hills.

The CNC Press Brake is fast to set up and has a repeatability of +/–0.0004 inches. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to make parts.