Dual Cylinder Press Brake Cincinnati 2-30

Top Punch

No matter your bending needs, the BB Series is there to help.

There are many options with our high end precision press brakes. These include better controls, more setups, faster part production and large daylight openings. A stable, fast AC servo-motor-driven back gauge system is featured. Outboard mounted long Ram guides are also available (which offer stability while still allowing for full length between the frames) to aid in acute angle bending.

Hydraulic pressure brakes, which use hydraulics to press the ram downwards instead of relying on mechanics, apply pressure via hydraulics. You can have several cylinders and give you more control over your bend. The end result is a customizable, precise bend. However, hydraulic press brakes also have their limitations. They can't exceed the tonnage they are rated at. They may be more flexible if your project demands flexibility.

Our energy-efficient, all-electric BB series press brakes come specially designed with a collection of ultra-modern, performance-enhancing features that are perfect for meeting and exceeding the demanding requirements facing today's production machinery experts.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Phil

The game-changing tool allows press brake operators to improve their performance by receiving real-time data.

Hydraulic presse brakes are great for heavy-duty tasks and can be customized to suit any customer's needs.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Phil


Gulf States Saw & Machine has the right tools for you, whether you need precise computer-controlled measurement or simple, no-nonsense bends. Co offers hydraulic press brakes of varying sizes in two excellent options. All at an affordable price. For a quote on a machine, contact our team today.

We also offer a variety of Press Brakes that are hydraulically controlled. The bending power of the brake is strong enough to handle large work-pieces. Because of its large tonnage, it can handle any thick metal material. This range is available in Single Cylinder and Dual Cylinder Y1+Y2 formats. It requires minimal operation. You can use our Press Brakes to process metals such as steel, brass, metal sheets and aluminum alloys.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Cincinnati 2-30

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Master

The possibilities are unlimited with our top end precision press brakes that feature, better controls, more axes, faster setups, faster part production, large daylight openings and large working areas. Features include a stable and fast AC servo motor-driven back gauge system and outboard mounted long ram guides (which provide stability while allowing full length between the frames for acute angle bending).

This type of bending is most commonly used for sheet metal working as it is suitable for machines with reduced capacities, unlike bottom bending, which requires more force.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake 03
Dual Cylinder Press Brake 03

These machines run fast and efficiently and are more reliable than their predecessors.

Bottom bending refers to the way the punch bends the metal sheet. It uses a greater force (3 to 5-times greater than airbending) and reduces or completely eliminates the spring back effect of air bending. This process involves air bending followed by cold forging at bottom of V.

Manualpress Brake

Also, consider other elements when calculating the margin such as the thickness, length and opening of the V.

This hybrid-drive hybrid is quick to complete any project and provides long-term, high-speed, energy-efficient operation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Braking techniques: Controlled braking. You can slow down or maintain a slower speed by applying steady pressure to the brake pedal. ... Threshold brake. You can use brakes to increase your car's grip and control on the road surface by shifting weight to the front wheels. Cover brakes.

A 10-foot press brake can be expensive.

Hydraulic presses can be used for forging and clinching, moulding blanking, punching as well as metal forming operations like deep drawing and blanking. Hydraulic presses can also be used for rubber pad forming and powder compacting.

Nearly all modern car crushers use hydraulic presses to crush cars. A pump pushes hydraulic fluid through large cylinders to power a large motor. Using principles of force-multiplication, a hydraulic system can generate over 2,000 psi and impart more than 150 tons of crushing force onto a pile of scrap cars.

Five Types of Hydraulic Presses: Why You Need Them