ADR and ADS hydraulic press brakes are as accurate as they are fast. These press brakes are second only to none. They can achieve accuracy levels of +-.0004 with repeatability that matches. These machines are similar to all of the JMT press brakes. They feature large strokes, high openings, and deep throats. This allows the operator to make larger parts and makes it easier to remove those parts. The result is a faster setup, more operator-friendly control, and a press that moves at breakneck speeds. This allows for more parts to be in the bin by shift's end with a higher quality overall piece to piece.
The PA Plus series offers both functionality and versatility in a single package. The PA Plus series offers a variety of accessories that can be used to create a custom solution.
In addition to being industry-leading in production, our machines also come equipped with intuitive operator control that takes the stress out daily operation for operators of all skill levels.
A press brake can be described as a machine tool that is used to bend metal parts or sheets up to 20mm thick. It's composed of a U or V-shaped punch and a die. The material to be bent can be placed on the die and then pressed by the punch. This bends the sheet to a desired degree.
Consider all of the machine capabilities above combined with our industry-leading service (on average 2 1/2 service techs per salesperson), our well staffed emergency service line and a parts section that will blow your mind. We also have the tools to build your press brake. With all the tools available, our factory-trained Wilson and Wila experts are certified.
Bottom bending uses a punch to bend the metal sheet at a high rate (3 to 5 times more than airbending), which reduces or eliminates the springback effect common with airbending. The process starts with air bending, and then goes on to cold forging at the bottom.
Whether you need the precision and detail of computer-controlled measurements or you want to keep it simple with no-nonsense bends, Gulf States Saw & Machine.Co offers two great options for hydraulic press brakes in various sizes, all at affordable prices. Contact our team to get a quote on a machine today.
Hydraulic press brakes are hydraulically applied to the ram to reduce its height, rather than relying only on mechanicals. They may contain more than one cylinder, giving the operator more control over the bend. It produces a precise and configurable bend. The hydraulic press brakes are similar to mechanical presses but have some disadvantages. Hydraulic press brakes cannot exceed the rated tonnage. You may prefer mechanical press brakes if you need flexibility.
The Hydraulic Press Brake's tonnage, also known by the Press Capacity, determines the work-piece size that can be processed. A press brake can also deliver the unit force measurement. This is what bends work-pieces into the desired/specific degrees. The tonnage range for our Press Brakes ranges between 30 tons and 3000 tons. While the bed lengths range from 4 feet to almost 30 feet, they can accommodate up to 30 tons.
You will then need to determine what characteristics are to be considered when calculating a part bend. You can use the following examples:
Ranging from entry-level hydraulic all the way up to heavy-duty, fully customized solutions that cover any of your requirements for sheet metal forming, these press brakes represent the apex of pounds-to-performance for industrial bending.
Our manual control push brakes are suitable for industries and jobs that don’t require the precision and detail achieved by CNC controls. The manual press brakes include all the safety features of CNC models. However, manual presses are more powerful and easier to use than CNC models. They feature a front operated power back-gauge, ram adjust with digital readings, and fine adjustment handswheels for both. Our models range from 22 to 44 tons.
This dual-drive hybrid allows for quick and efficient project management with long-term, high speed, energy-efficient operation.
The press brake's press force is known as the tonnage. It is used to determine the maximum pressure that can applied during the bending process.
Hydraulic brakes use brake fluid within sealed tubing between the lever and caliper. This fluid is usually either DOT fluid, or mineral oil/fluid. Both fluids can cause contamination over time so it is important to flush the system and have fluid changed periodically.
Your brakes may touch the ground most often due to a problem with your brake fluid. Low fluid levels or air getting into the brake line can cause a spongy pedal. Another common reason for a pedal that isn't working properly is a bad brake booster.
What happens if you don't hold down the clutch pedal or keep your vehicle in neutral while driving? Explanation: If you hold the clutch pedal down or stay in neutral for too much time, your vehicle will freewheel. Coasting is a dangerous technique that reduces your vehicle's control.
Nearly all modern car crushers use hydraulic presses to crush cars. A pump pushes hydraulic fluid through large cylinders to power a large motor. Using principles of force-multiplication, a hydraulic system can generate over 2,000 psi and impart more than 150 tons of crushing force onto a pile of scrap cars.
Extra Open Height, Extra Throat Depth, Extra Stroke Tonnage 12" Horn Ext. B & R 2' Ext. Open Ht. Open Ht.