Dual Cylinder Press Brake For

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Wall

It has been said, "The little guys sometimes punch well beyond their weight class." Our 4 foot small press brake proves this. This compact bender features a CNC controlled back gauge on the X axis, tangs for euro or american style toolsing, an LED rear light, two sliding front supports with a line rail and a dual station with a palm/foot switch. This compact, precise small press brake is sure to impress.

Our press brakes can streamline your workflow, improve production speeds, reduce energy consumption, and lower operating costs. Our presses have capacities ranging from 40-to 2,000-ton and can be equipped with between 3 and 11 different axes. They also include tool layout, collision checks, back gauge editing, and DiamondSoft(r), software with auto-tooling.

Every Standard hydraulic press brake goes through our Perfect Machine Process. It is then thoroughly inspected in Rockford, Illinois to ensure that it is ready for seamless installation in the shop.

This dual-drive hybrid makes short work of any project with long-term, high-speed, energy-efficient operation.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake For

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Exc

A Mitsubishi automatic tool changer (ATC), fitted to a press brake, stands out in many ways.

This game-changing tool changer offers real-time information to help any press brake operator perform even better.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Exc
Dual Cylinder Press Brake Calculator

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Calculator

"The accuracy and repeatability of the work are amazing. I ran one job for five straight days. There was no difference between day one and day five. This combined with the shorter setup time results in higher profitability.

After determining these characteristics, calculate the tonnage needed for the bending operation.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Wh

The press brake is a must-have for any metal fabrication shop. Despite being the most crucial piece of machinery in a shop and highly valued, many people don't understand them. We've created this guide for you to better understand the press brakes.

Warning: Incorrect tonnage (too low or too high) can cause damage to your press brake and the part you are bent. Refer to the operating manual for details on how to calculate the tonnage of the press brake.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Music
Dual Cylinder Press Brake Music

Our press brake machine offers important advantages over other models because it is backed up by Standard Industrial's reputation in durability and repeatability.

Gulf States Saw & Machine.Co is a Member of the American Welding Society, NOMMA (National Ornamental & Miscellaneous Metals Association) and the National Glass Association:

G37 Dual Caliper Bracket

The PA Plus series brings together functionality and versatility into one powerful package. The PA Plus series allows for the use of a wide range accessories, allowing for a completely customizable solution.

Do you need a reliable machine to bend or process metal sheets and do you want it to be strong? Gulf States Saw & Machine Co. has both Single Cylinder Y1+Y2 HydraulicPressbrakes that are capable of bending steel plates and sheets. Fabricators can trust them for all forms of bending. Hydraulic Pressbrakes are simple to operate.

Frequently Asked Questions

To pump hydraulic fluid into the system, pressure is applied by hand. The pressure is transferred to another area, and the resultant force can reach 25 tons.

Crowning is the method by which press brakes correct for deflections in both the upper beam or lower bed when pressure applies. There are different methods, depending on the model and make of the press brake.

Hydraulic brakes are more efficient than mechanical disc brakes. This means that you will need to apply less pressure to the lever for equal braking power. This allows for better modulation.

How does a hydraulic press brake work? Hydraulic press brakes use the power of a hydraulic motor, applying force to the metal and compressing it into a die that forms the shape. The shape of the die determines the final shape achieved by the metal bending process.

Three main CNC-controlled axes are located at the top of a modern CNC press brake. These include the control over the bending and back gauges, as well as the control of various productivity options.