Dual Cylinder Press Brake For Dummies

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Adjustment

Our machines are built with industry-leading production capabilities and feature intuitive operator controls that reduce stress for all skill levels.

Therefore, adjust the bending angle to match the metal spring back and calculate your margin. The punch should be adjusted to 90 degrees for a 90 degree bend.

The CNC control hydraulic pressing brakes are able to handle any project with precision, speed and volume. These machines can handle the most difficult jobs with perfect details. You can also store programs on removable USB drives. Other important features include the following:

The Hydraulic Press Brake's Tonnage (also known as the Press Capacity) is the measurement of the press brake's force. It determines the size of work-pieces that can be processed and how much pressure can be applied to them. Our Press Brakes are capable of handling tonnages ranging from 30 tons to 3000 ton. However, the bed lengths can range from 4 to nearly 30 feet.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Cable

No matter your bending needs, the BB Series is there to help.

There are many options with our high end precision press brakes. These include better controls, more setups, faster part production and large daylight openings. A stable, fast AC servo-motor-driven back gauge system is featured. Outboard mounted long Ram guides are also available (which offer stability while still allowing for full length between the frames) to aid in acute angle bending.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Cable


It is powered by a double-axis back gauge and can perform automated bending steps calculation. These servo-electric press brakes are very precise in bending and eco-friendly. They also require minimal maintenance.

And then there are the BH series “hybrid” press brakes that prove once and for all that not all hybrid press brakes are created equal. These third-generation machines utilize their patented dual-drive design to bring you the best of both hydraulic and electric bending worlds: productivity, precision, high-speed movement, reliability, and superior energy savings—even when compared to other hydraulic, hybrid, and even electric pulley-style press brakes.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Outcome

Also, consider other elements when calculating the margin such as the thickness, length and opening of the V.

This hybrid-drive hybrid is quick to complete any project and provides long-term, high-speed, energy-efficient operation.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Golf
Dual Cylinder Press Brake Golf

Our single cylinder and dual cylinder hydraulic press brakes are made using the CNC technology system, the Computerized Numeric Control. It is the most recent technological advance in Press Brake design and employs a blaster system to remove rust from work-piece surfaces. The advanced dual bending machines we offer are powered by Servo Electric and operate entirely electrically. They do not require hydraulic oiling so energy consumption is low.

Press brakes are machines that form lengths of sheet metal. These sheets are typically used in manufacturing, industrial applications, or as components for other devices. Most press brakes are rated by their capacity to press metal and their overall bending length; this is expressed in numbers (e.g., total PPI, or pounds of pressure per inch). They come in many forms and often are equipped with tooling and add-ons designed to create highly customized components. Press brakes fall into two main categories: mechanical and hydraulic. In the next sections, we’ll break down the difference and explain the prominent features of each style.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake 500

There are many options, but we won't be able to list them all. If you don't find what you need, ask us. Safety is our top priority. The AKAS-LC laser safety system is considered the best for a press brake. Combination machines require light curtain sick C 4000. Additional axis available up to 14. Extended travel back gauge up to 39 inches with safety curtain. Motorized height adjustment for sheet follower. Delem (DA69T), Cybelec (10S-12S,15S), 3D with PC1200) updated cnc controllers Quick release clamping and hydraulic clamping, Wila Wilson mechanical or hydraulic clamping. Tooling options from the "who’s who" in press brake tooling. Positioning systems for bottom tools, thickness measurement systems, and offline software for Profile-W or V-Bend.

Flexible, reliable bending performance with the patented HEXA C(r) frame - all within a cost-efficient package

Dual Cylinder Press Brake For Dummies

Frequently Asked Questions

The CNC Press Brake is fast to set up and has a repeatability of +/–0.0004 inches. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to make parts.

Brake discs are designed to last for at least 50,000 miles, although there are many factors that can affect their lifespan. You may get as many as 80,000 miles from one set if you take care of them and drive responsibly.

The press brake is usually narrow and long, so large sheets of sheet metal can easily be bent by it. The press brake bends sheet steel by placing a punch on sheet metal placed on top of a tool. A press brake can bend the metal several times until it reaches the desired shape.

Hydraulic systems have many advantages, including power, efficiency, and ease of maintenance. They also have their drawbacks: they can leak which can make them messy and the fluids within them can be difficult to paint or seal.

Hydraulic press machines have two main benefits: They reduce weight and allow for material conversation. Lower cost molds and a reduced number of parts. Production and initial costs are low. Capacity to handle high tonnage. It is safer than Mechanical presses. Overload protection built-in Less noise. More items.