Dual Cylinder Press Brake Exchange

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Lap

Every Standard hydraulic presse brake is checked in Rockford Illinois by our Perfect Machine Process to ensure it is ready for installation in your shop.

Nearly every metal fabrication shop needs a press brake. Despite being one of the most vital pieces of machinery within a shop, press brakes are still misunderstood by even professionals. This short guide will help you understand presses brakes.

You should also consider other factors when calculating this margin. These include the thickness of your punch blade and the length of the fold.

Once these characteristics are determined, it is time to calculate the tonnage necessary for the bending operation.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Exchange

Ton Hydraulic Press

Bottom bending involves bending the metal sheet using a punch with a force that is 3 to 5 times stronger than air bending. This decreases or prevents the springback effect commonly associated with airbending. This begins with air bending and continues at the bottom with cold forging.

Once you have established these characteristics, then you need to calculate how much weight is required for the bending operation.

Ton Hydraulic Press
Dual Cylinder Press Brake For Sale Craigslist

Dual Cylinder Press Brake For Sale Craigslist

This type bending is most common for sheet metal workers as it is compatible with machines with smaller capacities.

This type of bend is used most frequently for sheet metalworking because it can be used with machines with reduced capacities. It is not as strong as bottom bending, which is more difficult.


Your workflow can be optimized to reduce costs, time and effort. You can prevent downtime and product issues by being proactive. Shops can be fine-tuned to meet customer needs. Whatever your challenge, there is an automation solution.

Our CNC hydraulic presses brakes combine precision performance with value-oriented CNC hydraulic presses. They are extremely large in strokes, daylights, throat depths, and throat depths. This makes it possible to produce complex or simple shapes at a low cost. Easy-to-use CNC control lowers operator skill levels. Unmatched repeatability and precision tolerances of.ooo4 make this a superior press brake.


Other elements should be taken into account when calculating this margin, such as the thickness of the punch blade, the length of the fold and the opening of the V.

No matter what kind of bending you need, our BH series will be there to meet your needs.

V-brakes Adjustment

Our Servo Hydraulic Press Brkes are highly efficient metal benders. With up to 66% reduced power consumption in standby, and 44% lower energy usage during the bending phase, our Servo Hydraulic Press Brokes are more powerful and efficient than other metal benders. AC Servo "electric motors" drive the ram movement of our servobrakes. They also have variable speed pumps that pump hydraulic oil "on demand". Our sophisticated, advanced technology ensures that the servopress brake is cost-effective. It's hard to find a quieter or more accurate press braking system anywhere.

This dual drive hybrid makes it easy to do any project. It has long-term, high speeds, and is energy-efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hydraulic brakes are easy to maintain, provided you properly bleed the system and make sure there are no leaks.