Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hook

Cnc Press Brake

Our press brake machines have important advantages over other models, thanks to Standard Industrial's reputation of durability and repeatability.

Raw power, heavy-duty bending performance, and improved technology – all in a cost-efficient package.

The motor inside a mechanical press brake operates via a motor. This motor spins an enormous flywheel at high speeds. The machine operator controls the flywheel via a clutch. A clutch then sets the other parts in motion and bends the metal. The mechanical press brake, with its electronic controls, is much simpler and makes maintenance and operation simple. A mechanical press brake can handle tonnages that are two to three times larger than their intrinsic rating due to its design. The downside to using mechanical press brakes, however, is that the machine's ram must complete its full cycle before it can be reversed. The operator can make mistakes, which could lead to safety concerns. A potential danger is that the press brake may become locked if it travels too far.

Our Servo Hydraulic Press Brakes are powerful efficient metal benders with up to 66% lower power consumption during stand by and 44% lower energy use during the bending cycle. Ram movement on our servo brakes is powered by AC Servo "electric" motors driving hydraulic oil "on demand" in line with variable speed pumps. Our servo press brake achieves a significantly lower cost per part by using our highly sophisticated advanced technology that synchronizes the powerful forces of electronics, electric power and hydraulics only when it's needed. You won't find a quieter, more energy efficient or more accurate press brake anywhere.

Pedal Switch

The BH series "hybrid” press brakes show that not all hybrid brakes are equal. These machines, which are third-generation, feature their patented dual drive design. It allows for superior productivity, precision, reliability, energy savings, and high-speed movement.

This dual-drive hybrid can be used to quickly complete any project. It is long-term and high-speed as well as energy-efficient.

Pedal Switch


The bending angle must be adjusted according to the metal springback and the margin must also be calculated. For example, a 90deg bend requires that the punch be lowered to 85deg.

Then you will need to determine the particular characteristics to be taken into account when calculating the part bend. This includes, for example:

Dual Cylinder Press Brake In Car

The game-changing tool changer gives press brake operators real-time data that can help them perform better.

The ADR and the ADS hydraulic press brake is as fast as it is accurate. With accuracy numbers like +- .0004 and repeatability to match, these press brakes take a back seat to no machine made anywhere. As with all the press brakes in the JMT lineup, our concept of “large strokes, high openings and deep throats is ever present in these machines, which allow the operators to make parts with larger flanges and make the removal of those parts much easier for the operator to manage. With easier quicker setups, a more operator friendly control, a press that moves at breakneck speed, the end result is more parts in the bin by the end of the shift with a higher piece to piece overall quality.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake 96
Dual Cylinder Press Brake 96

You have a lot of options. Safety is our number one priority. This is why the AKASLC world class laser safety program is the most popular for press brakes. For combination machines, light curtain Sick C 4000 Additional axis: up to 14 Extended travel back gauge from 39 inches to 39 inches with safety lights curtain Sheet follower with motorized height adjustment. Delem (DA69T), Cybelec (13S,12S and 15S), or 3D with Cybelec (1200, PC1200). Quick release clamping. Hydraulic clamping. Wila and Wilson mechanical or hydrostatic clamping. Many tooling options. Bottom tool positioning systems and thickness measurement systems. Offline software for Profile W or V-Bend.

Standard press brakes have the reliability and dependability that your operation requires. A user-friendly interface and controls provide an unbeatable level of convenience. Our press brakes can handle many materials, including soft Brass, heat-treated Aluminum Alloys, stainless Steel, soft Aluminium, and chrome molybdenum.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Hook
Dual Acting Wheel Cylinder Parts

Our presses will streamline your work flow, increase production speeds and optimize energy consumption. They can also help reduce operating costs. Our press brakes come in 40- to 2000-ton capacities. They have between 3 and 11, with tool layout and collision check.

Our manual control brakes are ideal for jobs or industries that don’t require precise and detailed CNC controls. Manual press brakes come with all the same safety features that CNC models have. These powerful machines are easy to start and great for more simple jobs. They have a front-operated ram adjust and power back-gauge with digital readouts. Both can also be fine adjusted by handwheels. Our models range in weight from 22 tons to 425 tons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Air brakes can be described as three types of braking systems: emergency brake, parking brake and service brake. The service brake system applies the brakes and then releases them when you press the brake pedal while driving.

Modern manual transmissions can be used to skip gears while going up or lower. You can, for example, change the gears when you accelerate. However, 3rd may be slower due to low engine revs.

Re: Use of clutch while braking if it is urgent and you need to stop quickly, then the brakes should not be applied. This will increase engine braking and help the vehicle stop faster. However, it might stall the vehicle.

Material Type and Thickness Maximum Material Length. Complexity of bends. Accuracy of Bend. Per day, number of parts required. Each day, there are approximately 2,000 parts/tooling changes. Level of skill for press brake operator.

The bending length of the press brake should be slightly longer than the sheets you wish to bend. The press brake can become damaged or destroyed if it isn't the right size.