Dual Cylinder Hydraulic Handbrake


Mechanical press brakes operate via a motor inside the device. This motor spins a large flywheel at high speeds. The machine operator controls the flywheel through a clutch, which then sets the rest of the parts into motion to bend the metal. The mechanical press brake is much more straightforward, especially regarding its electronics, making maintenance and operation easy. They can also handle tonnages two to three times higher than their inherent rating, due to the nature of the mechanisms. The primary disadvantage of using mechanical press brakes is that the ram inside the machine must complete a full cycle when engaged and cannot be reversed. This creates some safety concerns if the operator makes a mistake and sets some limitations on the machine. One possible hazard is the potential for the press brake to become locked if the ram travels too far.

A Mitsubishi automatic tools changer (ATC), equipped with a press brake stands out in many ways.

Flexible and reliable bending performance thanks to the patented HEXA®-C(r), frame - all in a compact package.

These machines are faster and more efficient than their predecessors.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Rod

Metal can be bent by press brakes in two ways. Bottom bending refers to pressing the metal to the bottom. Bottom bending produces precise bends and requires less work from the press brake machine. However, each tool can only create one type of bend so you will have to purchase a new tool for every angle. When air bending is done, there's an air pocket between your ram and the die. This allows the operator adjust to any spring back that the material may provide. These dies do not need to be altered if the material's thickness exceeds a certain limit. Air bending has one drawback: the accuracy of the angle is affected due to the material's thickness. The ram should be adjusted accordingly.

The PA Plus series combines functionality and versatility in one powerful package. The PA Plus series is designed for a large array of accessories for a customizable solution.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Rod
G300 Pressure Brake Bleeder

G300 Pressure Brake Bleeder

The game-changing tool allows press brake operators to improve their performance by receiving real-time data.

Hydraulic presse brakes are great for heavy-duty tasks and can be customized to suit any customer's needs.


Whatever your bending needs, our BH series is here to make sure that power, precision, and profit are never far away.

Imagine giant, intelligent, large press brakes with a vast range of tonnages, lengths, loading/unloading metal material handling and an infinite number of bending lengths. Our high tonnage mega presses brakes feature an advanced engineered technology "box-construction" frame design. This gives our mega brakes one of the strongest and most stable machines in the world. All of our references around the globe are impressed by the exceptional stability and rigidity that our large high tonnage presses brakes have, thanks to our box-construction frame design. Our high tonnage presses are designed to minimize large pieces being handled before, during, or after the bending operation. This allows for the next process to be respected.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake 600
Dual Cylinder Press Brake 600

Gulf States Saw & Machine has the right tools for you, whether you need precise computer-controlled measurement or simple, no-nonsense bends. Co offers hydraulic press brakes of varying sizes in two excellent options. All at an affordable price. For a quote on a machine, contact our team today.

We also offer a variety of Press Brakes that are hydraulically controlled. The bending power of the brake is strong enough to handle large work-pieces. Because of its large tonnage, it can handle any thick metal material. This range is available in Single Cylinder and Dual Cylinder Y1+Y2 formats. It requires minimal operation. You can use our Press Brakes to process metals such as steel, brass, metal sheets and aluminum alloys.

Dual Cylinder Hydraulic Handbrake
Master Cylinder

The possibilities are unlimited with our top end precision press brakes that feature, better controls, more axes, faster setups, faster part production, large daylight openings and large working areas. Features include a stable and fast AC servo motor-driven back gauge system and outboard mounted long ram guides (which provide stability while allowing full length between the frames for acute angle bending).

This type of bending is most commonly used for sheet metal working as it is suitable for machines with reduced capacities, unlike bottom bending, which requires more force.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your car will struggle to stop if your speed is lower than the lowest gear. This can be avoided by pressing the clutch to ensure that the engine does not depend on the transmission. Then, start braking.

The disadvantages of pneumatic and hydraulic brakes They can be more expensive than a mechanical brake. The fluid used should be compatible to the brake material. Brake failure could result from brake fluid leakage. Maintenance and construction are not as easy as mechanical brakes.

#1 Do not keep your car in gear when you're at a stop light. The reason it's bad: It will cause excessive wear to your clutch.

The press brake can do tasks that would normally fall to special machines. For example, press brakes can form rods or tubes from raw materials not usually associated with sheet metal benders. You can also use press brakes to attach various types of press-fit hardware to sheet metal parts.

Hydraulic disc brakes have superior performance and efficiency due to the lack of a mechanical cable. The fluid system works better than a steel cable, which can be more susceptible to wear and more vulnerable to the elements.