Dual Cylinder Press Brake Bed

Press Brake Tonnage

These press brakes are massively large and highly intelligent. They can handle an unlimited number of tonnages, bending lengths and metal material handling methods. Our mega brakes with high tonnage use an advanced engineered technology frame called "box construction". This makes them the most stable brake machines in the entire world. Referees around the world have confirmed the unbeatable stability and rigidity our large high-tonnage press brakes that incorporate our box frame construction design. Our high-tonnage press brake also minimizes handling of large workpieces before, during and afterwards the bending operation.

This dual drive hybrid makes quick work of any project. It's long-term, high performance, and efficient.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Bed

You must therefore adjust the bending angle according to the metal spring back and calculate the margin. As such, for a 90° bend, the punch must go down to 85° for example.

Imagine Gigantically large and intelligent press brakes that can handle a wide range of metal materials and tonnages. Our mega mega press brakes are made with advanced engineered technology box construction frames that give our mega brakes the strongest brake machine body. Our large high-tonnage mega press brakes incorporate our box construction frame design. We have received approval from all of our customers. The high-tonnage press brake is designed to reduce the handling of large pieces of work before, during, and after bending and to respect the next step.

Tensile Strength

An early generation of press brakes used one axis to bend. They were much less powerful than modern machines with twelve or more programable axes. Modern press brakes are precise and generate graphical representations for the operator. Also, the setup time for newer computers has been dramatically reduced. They are capable of quickly calculating optimal settings based the material being used, its dimensions, as well as the desired results. These calculations used be done manually in the past.

Flexible and reliable bending performance, all with the patented HEXA(r) frame – all in a cost efficient package

Tensile Strength


Two ways can press brakes bend metal are available. Bottom bending is the first method. The ram presses the metal down to the bottom of a die. Bottom bending is a more precise method of creating bends that require less pressure from the press brake machine. Each tool is made to make a specific angle, so you will need to buy a new one every time you want to bend. An air pocket is created when you bend by air. This allows the operator the flexibility to adjust for any material's spring back. If the material is too thick, these types of dies can be modified. The downside to air bending is that the angle accuracy is affected by thickness. Therefore, the ram must be replaced accordingly.

The BH series hybrid press brakes prove that not all hybrid presses are created equally. The patented dual-drive design of these third-generation machines allows you to get the best of both hydraulic bending and electric bending. This is even more than other hydraulic, hybrid, or electric pulley-style presses.

C Clamp Brake Piston

A fully automated press brake system can help relieve pressure on production lines if deadlines and timelines are pressing. How do you make it work?

We provide press brakes to help improve your production, speed up production, minimize energy consumption and reduce operating cost. Our press brakes are available in sizes from 40-to-2,000-ton capacities, with anywhere from 3-11 axes. This includes tool layout, collision report editing, back gauge edit, and DiamondSoft(r).

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Zoom
Dual Cylinder Press Brake Zoom

A press brake, a machine used to bend and cut metal sheets upto 20 mm in thickness, is an example of a machine tool. The press brake is made up of a U-shaped (or V-shaped) die and a punch. The material to bent is placed on a die and pressed with the punch.

One-of-a kind technology that provides press brake operators with efficient, high-quality results.

Dual Cylinder Press Brake Back Gauge Fingers

Next, determine the specific characteristics that must be taken into consideration when calculating the bend. You will need to consider the following:

The Hydraulic Press Brake's Tonnage is also known to be the Press Capacity. This determines the work-piece that can go through the Press Brake. Also, it can deliver the force necessary to bend work-pieces into specific degrees. Our Press Brakes have a tonnage range between 30 to 3000 tonnes. The bed lengths are 4 to 5 feet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Braking techniques: Controlled braking. You can slow down or maintain a slower speed by applying steady pressure to the brake pedal. ... Threshold brake. You can use brakes to increase your car's grip and control on the road surface by shifting weight to the front wheels. Cover brakes.

A 10-foot press brake can be expensive.

Hydraulic presses can be used for forging and clinching, moulding blanking, punching as well as metal forming operations like deep drawing and blanking. Hydraulic presses can also be used for rubber pad forming and powder compacting.

Nearly all modern car crushers use hydraulic presses to crush cars. A pump pushes hydraulic fluid through large cylinders to power a large motor. Using principles of force-multiplication, a hydraulic system can generate over 2,000 psi and impart more than 150 tons of crushing force onto a pile of scrap cars.

Five Types of Hydraulic Presses: Why You Need Them